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Zeeshan Ahmed

Starkville, Mississippi, US

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Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: High Voltage Testing Engineer, Electrical Engineer

  • Occupation: Architecture and Engineering

  • Degree: Doctoral Degree

  • Career Level: Qualified

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Skills:Testing, Substation design, transmission line design


Research Assistant (High Voltage Testing) 01/2017 - 09/2019
Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS United States
Industry: Electrical Equipment Testing
Worked as a testing engineer at Mississipi State University High Voltage Laboratory
• High Voltage testing of electrical equipment in accordance with ANSI/NEMA, IEEE and IEC standards. Testing includes lightning/switching impulse, AC and DC wet/dry low frequency tests • Long term degradation testing/diagnostics for MV distribution network insulators, cutouts, switches etc. This includes tracking & erosion, thermal cycle, temperature rise, salt and fog tracking and long term partial discharge tests • Automation of all electrical equipment’s based on Programmable Logic Controllers using RS Logix 500 and National Instruments data acquisition modules using LabView • Preparation of standard test reports for commercial customers testing based on IEEE, IEC, and BS standard and recommended practices. • Development of a standalone application for impulse voltage testing in MATLAB and C language interface. Application automates the process of determining the 50% disruptive discharge impulse voltage based on up & down method, computes and validates the linearly rising front test, and calculates the 3/0 and 15/2 impulse voltage withstand tests • Design of control for three-phase grid-connected inverter based on phase locked loop (PLL) controller in MATLAB - Simulink environment. Simulations were further analyzed, processed, and corrected in a custom-built program by using Python language • Development of numerical/analytical electro-thermal model for distribution transformers in COMSOL Multiphysics • Development of autonomous condition monitoring systems based on probabilistic modelling of lifetime partial discharge data (PhD Dissertation) - Real time application designed in a MATLAB software for automating the PD data storage, PD forecasting, and PD detection threshold over a wide area power system network.--
Junior Engineer (EHV Networks) 02/2012 - 12/2017
National Transmission & Despatch Co. Ltd, Pakistan, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan
Industry: Utilities
Work as an Extra High Voltage system design engineer
EHV Transmission Line Design, Operation, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance • Transmission Line routing, profiling, sag calculations and preparation of template drawings for both conventional and pilling foundations type towers • Inspection and testing of civil works and erection of EHV transmission line towers • Review, approval, and fixing of special contractual affairs such as Extension of Time (EOT), equipment price inflation, variations in scope of work and etc. submitted by the awarded Contractor • Preparing SOP, Work Instructions & Procedure of Electrical Maintenance & Job plans • Providing input to relevant risk distribution issues related to the client, main and sub-contractors EHV Substation Contracts and Designing • Preparation of tender proposals/bidding documents, RFPs and technical specifications/BOQ • Organizing pre & post bid clarification meetings with the client regarding settlement of issues on technical and commercial matters • Preparation of Technical/Commercial evaluation reports and final accounts • Contract Management including vetting/approval of LOI, NOA, P.Os and Contract Agreements • Liaising with other divisions for all related contractual matters and develop working relationships with line Managers. • Preparation/upgrading of technical specifications of instruments/equipment & systems in-line with the requirements of International Standards such as IEC, IEEE, BS, etc • Preparation and review of switchyard, general lay outs, and single line diagrams of EHV Substations • Sizing and selection of transformers, HV/ LV Switchgears, Cables, Earthing Design, Lightning protection design and lighting systems (indoor/ outdoor) • Designing/vetting of hardware material used in the substations • Review and approve contractor's site quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) system, site-related electrical design/engineering matters submitted by the contractor for all electrical erection/installation/commissioning activities--


Aalto University, Finland 09/2014 - 12/2015
Espoo, , Finland
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Electrical Engineering
Masters degree with specialization in power systems

Mississipi State Univeristy 01/2017 - 08/2019
Mississippi State , Mississippi , United States
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Major:Electrical and Computer Engineering
Doctorate in electrical engineering with specialization in high voltage testing and diagnostics

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Zeeshan Ahmed

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