Glendale, Arizona, US
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: Soon To Be Pharmacist 05/31/2018
Occupation: Healthcare
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Career Level: Entry Level
Languages: English, Canthonese, Mandarin
Skills:Dependable, motivation, flexible, Critical thinking
Goal:Reduce medication dispensing error increase pharmacy provider status improve company sales of medication Promote vaccinations
Membership:PDC ( Phi Delta Chi )
Certification:Immunication certification from AZ Board of Pharmacy CPR BSL certification from AHA
Marine Biologist 01/15/2009 - 01/15/2012
Singapore Resort World Sentosa, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
Industry: Fishery and Education
I worked as a Marine Biologist with Resort World Sentosa, Singapore. My job scope is as follow:
• Collaborated a team of marine biologists on the prevention of marine itch in fish research.
• Ensured that team members abided strictly to the rules and regulation put forth by the underwater world when working with sensitive samples in the marine laboratory.
• Organized safety workshops once every month to ensure that colleagues retain pertinent information when dealing with venomous marine organisms.
• Breed endangered seahorses at the offshore marine facilities at Kusu Island and released them back to the wild to replenish dwelling wild populations.
• Prevented illegal netting of coral fishes for the pet trade to maintain the rich biodiversity of the coral reefs.
• Formulated food to feed special populations of marine fishes.
• Carried out coral growth in the Singapore straits to help with the dying coral reefs.
• Presented on the topic of marine angelfishes.--
ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) volunteer 01/20/2008 - 01/20/2009
ACRES, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
Industry: Animal Welfare
I worked in ACRES as a animal conservationist in Singapore and my job scope is as follow:
• Look after illegal exotic pets that is sized from the illegal pet trade in Singapore.
• Perform housekeeping (mowing the lawn, sweeping the corridor) to keep the facility clean and neat.
• Located information online and incorporated it into ACRES database on the green sea turtle husbandry.
• Took stock monthly to maintain appropriate supplies. Provided tours around the facility as a guide and educated the public about the risk of introducing foreign species of animals to endanger the rich flora and fauna diversity of Singapore.
• Provided customer service over the phone to answer questions about the organization and possible public funding to sustain the organization.
• Completed a road show to spread the awareness of having dolphins at Sea World Sentosa.--
National Service Singapore 01/12/ 2004 - 01/10/ 2006
MINDEF, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
Industry: Army
I was a Combat Singnaler working for the Singapore Army and my job scope is as follows:
• Work closely with teammates and ensure that signal is consistent between the Unimog vehicles and headquarters.
• Lead an outfield exercise for one week as a team leader in Singapore. Ensured that my teammates follow protocols and execute command appropriately so that the mission a success.
• Participated in the Singapore National Day parade to help establish the network between the base and on site.--
Midwestern University , AZ 06/2015 - 06/2018
Arizona , Glendale, United States
Degree: Doctoral Degree
I am currently a third year pharmacist student completing my APPE rotations at 6 different rotation sites.
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