★☆☆☆☆ -
Zieta is useless -
- Barat Chidambaram - 4/17/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThe US operations of Zieta are non existent. You fall in their trap and these middlemen will make your life miserable. They have no employees or direct clients in the US. Deal with them at your own risk.
Sandy - 4/17/2015 - Atleast have the decency to use your own name, Please do not use the name of the that are fictitous
This is a malicious comment with ill intent. This is a false posting and must be removed -
flag Rajeev Sinha - 4/17/2015 - I worked here for several years in Sales and Recruiting. Just stay away. With so many options in the marketplace, why take a risk with your career. -
★★★★★ -
Good Company to work for -
- - 3/27/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI have been working with Zieta now for almost 6 years now. They have treated me well and have given me plenty of opportunities to learn and grow.
Those framing us as scammers and frauds, you can go get lost. And most of the comments is easy to tell you the same person because all your post same day.
This company is real and there is ALWAYS Someone in our office. We are right here in Atlanta. If you think its fake please feel free to come visit. I would enjoy showing you around.
- 4/2/2015 - What a joke. It is impossible to reach a should during office hours. You guys should be ashamed of this. -
flag - 4/2/2015 - It is common knowledge that where there is "smoke" there is "fire". -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Why work for them when there are so many good companies? -
- - 3/21/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI don't know why I got involved with this outfit that is such a sham. I should have done my research and known better. They will not honor their agreement and disappear with the last three payments. I tried connecting with Rajiv Sinha. Never responds. The office is always closed. The only guys I can get hold are in India and they constantly change. There is so much stuff written about them. Just do your research.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Bogus Company -
- - 3/6/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThese middle layer vultures just take the money and run. Once you are hooked good luck collecting. They just suck the last few payments and never respond. Such a shame when they could be a real SAP consulting operation.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Zero chance to collect your pay -
- Bewkoof - 1/31/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentAh, the age old lure third party consultants to third part contracts and not pay scam. Zeta has mastered this. Looking at all these positive reviews, you would think they are a cutting edge company like google, Facebook, or Uber. Far from it, these rascals do not have any operations in US. Offices in Delaware and Atlanta are non existent. Anju Singh and Shivaji Singh are the perfect scam artists. They recruit people in Hyderabad and Bangalore that lure third party consultants. They have absolutely no direct clients.
Good luck getting paid. You cannot even reach Anju and Shivaji Singh. Do your research before you join. If there is smoke there is fire. Don't look at all the positive reviews. Just try and call the Atlanta Office. If no one picks up, you know it is a scam operation.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Robber Barons -
- Iznogood - 1/31/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis company is no good. They have people working from Hyderabad and Bangalore that get you into contracts. They are middlemen with no direct clients. Standard bait and not pay scam. You cannot get hold of anyone as they have no body working in Atlanta. You can go the offices and they will be locked. Anju and Shivaji Singh are scam artists.
If there is smoke there is fire. Please do your research before you join. The simplest check is to call Atlanta office during 9 to 5. If anyone responds......it will be a miracle. Be warned...Run, Hide, Zeita is the Robber Baron.
★★★★☆ -
SAP CRM Consultant -
- Shiva - 1/15/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI worked with Zieta Technologies for good amount of time. During my tenure with Zieta i had no issues as i used to have direct approach with all the relevant people including Anju Singh if i had any issues. All payments were made on time. Their recruiting team is fast. I mostly had my conversations with Anju Singh, if i had any issues she would direct me to right people.I know there were few policies which i was not happy with but later i came to know that they have made amended those policies. Nice people to work with.
Ahmed - 1/31/2015 - This is such a joke. Have you ever tried calling their offices in Atlanta. No body works there. This is a scam operation that is run from India. They take your billing and disappear. Shaivaji and Anju Singh are thugs. The ROB you. -
flag - 1/31/2015 - The CEO in India is Barat. He should rename himself Borat. Such a joker... -
★★★★★ -
Referral Bous -
- PP - 11/10/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentSurprise .. Surprise ... Surprise!
Here is the company, ZIETA .. I have referred a candidate with excellent ABAP skills for US recruitment and he got selected and joined the company. I am delighted to get a fat referral bonus. I am overjoyed with the kind of money I got. He too is very happy when I got in touch with him after 3 months of his joining with the company in US.
I keep looking for such friends who are looking for a break and keep earning my extra buck apart from my salary.
Sammy - 1/31/2015 - Anju Singh, stop trolling the internet and pay your bills. You are such a scum bag. Get a life and stop robbing people. -
flag Referal Bogus - 1/31/2015 - Referal Bogus. Enough said. -
flag - 3/6/2015 - Looks like a post from the offshore sales staff -
★★★★★ -
Opp to learn -
- - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWonderful company to start the career and continue to learn new technologies which you may not find in BIG-5 companies. I learned a lot working in ZIETA for last 3 years and my skills have increased multi-fold. Thanks to the management and my seniors.
Robber - 1/31/2015 - Opportunity to learn what? How to rob people. -
★★★★★ -
Growth & Opportunity -
- - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI joined as office assistant and over a period of time, I became a white color Networking consultant within a span of 2 years. Recognizing my interest on networking side, company provide me training and opportunity to learn new skills within system networking areas and made me full-time networking engineer. Big thanks to the management.
- 1/31/2015 - Anju Singh is a god. She can convert any donkey into a great SAP consultant. She is a miracle worker. Now if only she paid her bills on time, now that would be a miracle... -
★★★☆☆ -
Equal opportunity -
- - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentNice company to work with. Zieta provides equal opportunity to all the employees irrespective of sex, caste and race one belongs. No discrimination and every employee will be treated equally with their individual and group performance.
- 1/31/2015 - they will rob from everyone. They are equal opportunity robbers. -
★★★★☆ -
Professinally managed -
- CSN - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThough I worked with Zieta for a brief period, I was very lucky with such a professionally managed company. I had to leave the company to take up higher studies abroad. I was given all the encouragement and support by all my reporting managers and management at the time of leaving. Once I complete my education, I would definitely look for an opportunity to join back with them either in their US operations or Indian operations.
- 1/31/2015 - ...and professionally robbed. This is how you professionally rob people. These guys are in the business of robbing honest working consultants. Look at all the positive reviews. You would think they are a cutting edge tech company like google or Facebook. Far from it, they don't even have a function office in US. Try going to their offices in Delaware or Atlanta. Try talking to a soul that works in that office. Nada, zilch. Nobody home. Get people into third party contracts, don't pay. What an idea Sirji. -
★★★★★ -
Learning curve -
- - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI have been working with this company for 5 years, my leaning curve is phenomenal, the knowledge and opportunity get exposed to new technologies is immaculate. My learning graph is quite steep and lucky to be associated with ZIETA.
- 1/31/2015 - You know what else is steep. Your brain. It is so steep that it does not function anymore. -
★★★★★ -
Company to work with -
- Paul - 11/9/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI stared as a fresher after my engineering degree, company gave me training as a software developer with real time projects and after 12 months of working I became full fledged software consultant. Excellent company to work.
- 1/31/2015 - There is a God. Zeta will save humanity. Without them this world will cease to function. Blah blah blah. Get a life scumbag. How do you guys sleep at night when you cheat so many people. Have you not heard of making a honest living. -
★★★★★ -
Decent Employer -
- - 11/7/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWe have worked with the company for over 8 years and have always had excellent experience. never had issue with our invoices. An excellent company to work with
- 1/31/2015 - 8 Years. Stop joking. -
★☆☆☆☆ -
I hope they get arrested soon. -
- SAP Consultant - 10/20/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentAnju Singh and Shivaji Singh live in Marietta. Their offices are empty with no one to respond. They do third party recruitment via recruiters in Bangalore and Hyderabad. They skip the last four months of invoices. These are scam artists. Such a shame since the CEO has an MBA from Emory. Not sure why they cannot achieve success the right way.
Hope they got o jail soon. I have complained to US Attorneys offices and heard there are several such complaints. Only a matter of time before the Singh's will be on the lam.
Sandy - 11/7/2014 - Please come and meet us in the office and we can solve your issue -
flag - 1/31/2015 - Your offices in Atlanta are always closed. No one works there. You run a scam operation -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Scam Artists -
- SAP BI Consultant - 9/6/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThese guys run a scam. They have recruiting shops in Hyderabad and Bangalore that lure independent and third party consultants for SAP jobs. They do not have any direct clients. They never pay their bills. Their Atlanta and Delaware offices do not exist. There is no one there. The CEO lives in Atlanta and everyone is offshore. Goodluck collecting any bills.
I hope the US Attorneys get involved soon and send them to jail. Shivaji Singh is a scam artist who needs to go to jail.
Sandy - 11/7/2014 - This individual had used a fake experience to join the project when it was brought to his attention he quits and make a false alligation -
flag - 1/31/2015 - Duh. Pay your bills. You get paid and then you hide. Pay your damn bills. -
★☆☆☆☆ -
- - 7/26/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentHorrible company .
This company can get a palced in guinness world record for Not paying to its employes.
All sorts of Nonscences activities goes on here.
They even breach all terms mentioned in the offer letter.
Can any one advise how do we sue the owners and put them behind the bars
★☆☆☆☆ -
Operations head -
- - 7/26/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
★☆☆☆☆ -
consultant -
- Dheeraj - 6/20/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWorst company, cheaters..
They cheat at low level and get away because it is difficult to file a lawsuit for small amounts. If you work through them just be prepared to loose money.
They are the worst company I have ever seen, the owner got used to cheating people and getting away. Shameless guy.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Most worst comp[any -
- Rajeev sinha - 9/18/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
commentworst company . They didnt paid my salary
I worked for them for 3 years . I am going to DOL on them
- 11/7/2014 - By the Way Rajiv Sinha is a current employee and he is still working. If you want to put an allegation please use your real name -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Worest company -
- - 9/18/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
comment They wont pay vendors . Never work with this company
THey have offices at hyderabad , banglore and take resumes from all over US and submit to their clients.
Then the real Zieta play will stat ., They will stop taking your calls and email . One of the worst company to work with . Never work with this company
★☆☆☆☆ -
Recruiter -
- - 7/2/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis is the most horrible company I had ever worked for. They fired me just because I was doing some course to enhance my skill, according to them my course was hampering the official work, even though I had week end classes.
- 1/31/2015 - They are jokers. Barat should rename himself as Borat -