Rate and Review Vitech Systems Group, Inc.
★★★★★ -
- - 3/6/2025 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThings I like: Inclusive and Diverse Workplace, Access to Modern Tools and Technology, Good Work-Life Balance
Things I don't like: Lack of Employee Recognition, Unsupportive or Toxic Management, Limited Career Advancement Opportunities
★☆☆☆☆ -
The most unprofessional interview ever -
- - 2/9/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
comment1. The morning of my first in-person interview, I received a call from the Vitech Recruiting Coordinator asking me if they could reschedule my interview. I already took off the day from work and couldn't reschedule. Although I understand that other priorities come up, I cannot understand how you would expect an applicant to reschedule the exact day of the interview.
2. I got feedback from Vitech Sr. Recruiter and the Recruiting Coordinator that my first day in-person interview went well and that the people who couldn't meet me wanted to speak with me. It took 52 emails between the Recruiting Coordinator and me to schedule another interview, 52, would you believe it? She asked me for my skype ID at least 4 times. What kind of message does it send to their applicants if their HR is so inefficient?
3. When I came in for my 2nd day in-person interview, one of the interviewees spoke to me 15 mins behind schedule. The Sr. Recruiter met me before I met the interviewer and he didn't even bother to let me know that the 2nd interviewer was unavailable to interview me that day. When the Recruiting Coordinator could call me the day of my 1st interview to reschedule it, how come she/sr. Recruiter didn't have the courtesy to call me and let me know one of the 2 interviewers was unavailable and that I could do a Skype interview instead of coming all the way to Manhattan just to meet 1 person?
4. After my 2nd in-person interview, I told the Sr. Recruiter that I already have another offer and would need a decision by the next day. I also gave him times for the last interviewer to talk to me the next day. However, the Sr. Recruiter did not bother to call me the next day.
5. When I emailed Vitech Sr. Recruiter and the Recruiting Coordinator at 5pm the next day, the Recruiting Coordinator called me saying that they hired someone INTERNALLY. If they did not like something about me, they should have been bold enough to say that. If they found a better candidate, they should have said that openly. If they couldn't make the decision by that day, they should have been open about it. BUT THEY LIED. How is it possible that HR and [Name removed by admin] were not aware of the internal hire the day before (the day of my 2nd interview)? It seemed to me like I wasted my time coming there for 2 times.
If they think it is ok for them to behave in such an unprofessional manner with their applicants, I can bet that they have the wrong attitude. Needless to say, I will never work at Vitech now or in the future.
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