★★★★★ -
Very reliable company to work with -
- Swapna - 4/3/2017 - flag as inappropriate -
commentNo issues so far, they pay on time. They didn't lie about the rate.
Operations team is very supportive and friendly. Any questions or any help they will respond immediately and help at any cost.
This is the best company I've ever worked with.
★★★★★ -
Excellent Company to be associated with -
- Ramana - 4/3/2017 - flag as inappropriate -
commentExcellent marketing staff.
Everything is transparent
Very good care taken to the consultants .
★★★★★ -
Best Company to Work for -
- Venkat Reddy - 4/3/2017 - flag as inappropriate -
commentFast paced, risk tolerant culture, exciting environment, opportunity to make a difference every day. Business is in transition and pushing the boundaries in the market so LOTS of things going on.
I am currently employed with Saibersys and below are the few merits of joining this company:
1. You will be trained by certified professionals.
2. Employees will be accommodated (with all amenities) in the guesthouses until they deployed to the client locations.
3. Marketing is completely outstanding since 30+ recruiters are working on your resume.
4. Marketing team always look to improvise your chances by keep tracking your profile submissions.
5. The CEO is down-to-earth and you can reach them anytime either by phone or email.
6. Relocation Assistance/Financial assistance will be provided if needed.
7. Supportive staff.
8. I can confidently say that they honor all promises and pay on time. The management of the company is good and Organized.
9. The marketing team is very good and patient.
10. They also provide good health insurance coverage which has been very useful.
11. Great place to begin the career especially for someone who are beginners.
12. Last but not the least, visa processing should be smooth.
I dint have any bad experience until now. Pays on time. Never had delays in the payment as the salary is automatic deposit for every 15 days.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Bad, Worst, fraudulent and unprofessional EMPLOYER -
- Ajay - 3/18/2017 - flag as inappropriate -
commentVery Unsatisfied with this employer.One of the Unethical companies I have ever seen. You must have a begging experience before joining in this company so that u can get used to salary begging.
You can never easily communicate with them,they wont easily reply to your msgs you have to keep sending them infinite mails to get response and if there is an issue with them, they will ignore your emails and phone calls.
They will make false promises like sponsorship, Hike etc but never bother once you join,my colleagues still beg them for sponsorship.
OPT guys should never ever try to contact this employer(i am serious), they will show the hell. they will never help you in any thing and will expect a lot from the emps
Its the worst company to work with.
They do not treat employees with respect.
They do not keep their verbal promises.
They only care about making money, Money and infinte amount of Money
Madan - 3/28/2017 - Ajay, what is the issue you faced with company.
why do you want to write false things and i am sure god will punish by writing false.
you first write the things with your original name and if you are not comfortable why are still
working with this company.
we will file a case if you write false things.
madan -