Rate and Review Rapid7 Llc
★★★★☆ -
- - 2/20/2025 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThings I like: Clear Company Vision and Leadership, Training and Professional Development, Inclusive and Diverse Workplace
Things I don't like: Unmanageable Workload or Unrealistic Expectations, Poor Immigration Support, Unpleasant Green Card Sponsorship Policy
★☆☆☆☆ -
- - 5/12/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThe are consistently abusive to staff. Rapid7 is the definition of Boiler room. Their upper management consists of very talented used car salesmen. People are fired left and right. You have a degree and you have a personality...great!! Lets get you on the phone. That is day one training. They made people run laps around office. Most upper sales staff are so committed to their own self importance and ego that they will forever be inside software sales people. Compensation was a joke. raises were arbitrarily decided upon. Very few people lasted long enough to get even health insurance(3 months).. Arrogance runs the place and any ideas otherwise are cast aside as "weak minded" thinking. Training session consisted of upper sales staff proudly explaining that IT engineers were like 5 year old's on a soccer field and that if you wanted to be a "real man" you'd be talking with the parents on the sideline and not playing with the pathetic little simpletons. Truly stellar stuff.
★☆☆☆☆ -
- - 5/12/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
-Agressive training program
-Proximity to Manhattan Beach
-Occasional perks such as parties and happy hours
-Mild transparency into how promotions are received
-A good learning experience in terms of what to not look for in a job
-The so-called "fun environment," in which music blares and management can be heard screaming obscenities at employees across a wall-less room chock full of phones, desks and sales slogans, is counterintuitive to business development, in many cases leading directly to a question such "where exactly do you guys work?" from prospective clients.
-The opportunity to rapidly advance is misrepresented from the initial interview until you are quietly pulled in a room for termination. The good news is that if you have half a brain, you will know when the end is coming. The fact the company's Linkedin does not list the gross number of former employees should tell you something.
-Zero work/life balance. Management fully expects employees to work through lunch to set "an example" for a new crop of bright-eyed kids straight off the college boat. Also, not showing up on Sunday to prepare for the week to come is seen as a bad thing.
-The company motto is "transparency," yet a great deal happens behind closed doors.
-Management tells an exciting tale about the days of cowboys and Indians in the software business, yet the reality is that companies usually invest in Vulnerability assessment once every 3 to 5 years. What this means to you is that either you get lucky and close a deal early or that you will play the waiting game until you are deemed unsuitable for employment.
-Making it 90 days at Rapid7 is the equivalent of lasting years at a company with a more stable sales force.
Advice to Senior Management
-Practice what you preach. It is unlikely that anyone cares about "your story" at Rapid7 or believes that you are making money hand over fist when you are epitomizing the characters in Boiler Room.
-Lighten up on your employees. Most of them are looking for other jobs and would jump ship at the first sign of another job.
You are welcome to share your working, interview or application experience with Rapid7 Llc as well as its owners or employees. Please avoid mentioning any names or using profanity and obscene languages when you are making comments.
Many of the reviews about H1B visa and green card sponsors on our web site are negative. Though this somewhat reflects one aspect of real immigrant labor market, you should do more research and use your own judgment to make decisions. Please be also aware that some reviews and comments were submitted by employers, competitors or disgruntled employee of Rapid7 Llc.
Under federal law (Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act) MyVisaJobs.com is not legally responsible for the information posted by the third parties, even if the posted information contains remarks that are defamatory. If you find any review about Rapid7 Llc is inappropriate, please use the Flag As Inappropriate link next to the review to report.
If you find an employer has violated any proceeding under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or it has committed either a willful failure or a misrepresentation of a material fact of the Labor Condition Application (LCA) attestations, please do not post your review here. You should contact Dept of Labor, Dept of Justice or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
For additional information, visit DOL Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call their toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).Employer: Rapid7
Review Result:
2.0 out of
5 stars
3 votes