Rate and Review KPMG Llp (Us)
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Will KPMG sponsor H1B? -
- - 7/12/2019 - flag as inappropriate -
commentKPMG will sponsor H1B for experienced hire candidates, seldom sponsors international students straight out of school.
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Will KPMG Sponsor me for a green card? -
- - 7/2/2019 - flag as inappropriate -
commentKPMG’s Green card sponsorship policy is that the foreign national should be employed with the firm for at least 18 months, receive at least one performance review, be considered a high performer, hold Senior Associate level (or be projected to a Senior Associate within the next promotional cycle), and be in good standing with their practice group. Kindly note that your specific practice may have additional criteria that must be met in order for you to be eligible for green card sponsorship. Please reach out to your HR Manager to confirm any additional criteria that must be met.
In order to initiate the green card process, we will need BUPIC/Budget Owner/NOL (as applicable), and approval from your local HR Manager, along with a completed business case for green card sponsorship on your behalf. Please contact your local HR Manager in this regard.
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They pay good, they even pay my transportation -
- Excellent - 8/17/2016 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIm so thankful to the management , the time i arrived they provided everything i need ,like winter jacket, winter shoes ,food , materials snd books for NCLEX review they are very helpul and supportive.. Thank u
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Always ready to help -
- mtan - 8/17/2016 - flag as inappropriate -
commentExcelent, approachable management, they can provide apartment, foods, uniforms , pay NCLEX review and pay all the procesing fee and lawyers. They provide allowance, if you just started to work with them. They are here to help alien workers.
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Very nice place to start your career -
- Patil - 6/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate -
commentYes, the salary is low, sometimes you are overloaded. But you will receive very good training, and the experience polish your resume.
★★☆☆☆ -
Terrible interview experience -
- Anonymous - 4/29/2009 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThe recruiter sent me to there Montvale location for a developer position. Two foreign guys(I do not want to mention their nationality here) interviewed me for about 20 minutes, and let me go. It was obvious that they did not have any interest in me at all.
You are welcome to share your working, interview or application experience with KPMG Llp (Us) as well as its owners or employees. Please avoid mentioning any names or using profanity and obscene languages when you are making comments.
Many of the reviews about H1B visa and green card sponsors on our web site are negative. Though this somewhat reflects one aspect of real immigrant labor market, you should do more research and use your own judgment to make decisions. Please be also aware that some reviews and comments were submitted by employers, competitors or disgruntled employee of KPMG Llp (Us).
Under federal law (Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act) MyVisaJobs.com is not legally responsible for the information posted by the third parties, even if the posted information contains remarks that are defamatory. If you find any review about KPMG Llp (Us) is inappropriate, please use the Flag As Inappropriate link next to the review to report.
If you find an employer has violated any proceeding under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or it has committed either a willful failure or a misrepresentation of a material fact of the Labor Condition Application (LCA) attestations, please do not post your review here. You should contact Dept of Labor, Dept of Justice or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
For additional information, visit DOL Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call their toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).Employer: KPMG
Review Result:
3.7 out of
5 stars
6 votes