★☆☆☆☆ -
Fraud Company -
- pranay jain - 10/30/2019 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis is a fraud company. just shut your doors for good and don't ruin other people's time and efforts in a fake company like yours I have all proofs call me on 09845897427 to discuss further.
Pranay Jain - 1/7/2020 - I have not written above comments somebody creates an account on my name and writer above comments.
I feel Diaspark inc a very genuine company.
I already report myVisaJobs to remove these comments: -
★★★★★ -
wonderful work environment with smart people at the helm. -
- - 10/26/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentDiaspark is by far the best company I've ever worked for.The culture is young, dynamic. Management is open with all employees and values contributions and consistently demonstrates a commitment to the betterment of the employees.
★★★★★ -
“Great work Life balance, onsite opportunities.” -
- - 10/19/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI am working at Diaspark as a full-time Employee from last 3 years
I got to work with some truly amazing and intelligent people in a competitive environment. I really enjoy working in the Software Development Department.
There always a inspiration for learning and growing, co-workers and seniors are very helpful. Great work Life balance, onsite opportunities.
★★★★★ -
“Job is secured” -
- - 10/15/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI have been working at Diaspark full-time (More than 5 years)
Good Benefits - Good Co-workers and supporting environment - Job is secured and flexible
Growth was always there. People were great and pay was good
Pleasant experience overall.
★★★★★ -
“Nice org to work with ” -
- - 10/14/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
Work environment and the care on each employee growth, policies favor to employees.
I haven't noticed any Cons for now. This is the company which is always developing from day to day experience.
★★★★☆ -
Need H1b -
- - 1/13/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
I would like to fiel H1b through your company diaspark.
Can you help me with the right contacts, am not able to reach the contacts mentioned in their website.
I can explain more abt my 10 yrs exp in call
★★★★★ -
freedomness -
- - 1/6/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWith Diaspark, I never felt that it was employee employer relationship but equal partner relationship in the endeavor to provide very best technical services to our clients and the commitment to do so at all costs. I always had the freedom to choose my projects and I thank Diaspark for giving me that freedom. Thank you all and have a blast of a party.
★★★★★ -
proactive and approchable team -
- - 1/2/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentMy association with Diaspark for 6+ years has been enriching and rewarding on both professional and personal fronts. The Diaspark team - Accounting, HR, Legal and Marketing have been very professional, pro-active and approachable till date. I have got several opportunities to work for some of the major financial firms. This has brought me career growth and satisfaction. I thank Diaspark for all the encouragement and recognition
★★★★★ -
Great compensation and nice opportunities to grow -
- - 1/2/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
comment- Great Opportunities to grow
- Flexible working hours
- Company is growing
- Nice compensation
★★★★★ -
great culture, great people -
- - 1/2/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentDiaspark is having a great culture, great people working on the most innovative technologies you hear in current trends. I got a chance to visit their both state of the art facilities located in Pune and Indore and met their vibrant teams.
★★★★★ -
Senior personnels are easily approachable and are of supportive nature -
- - 1/2/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI am associated with Diaspark from last 1 year. It’s not too long but in this short period of time I have learnt a lot by working in an employee friendly and rewarding environment at Diaspark. Senior personnels are easily approachable and are of supportive nature. At Diaspark I am grooming my professional career as well as personal life also.
I wish to continue my services with Diaspark to a great extent.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Fraud in H1B visa sponsorship -
- - 2/4/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThey offered me a job and promised me H1B visa 3 yrs back. Till now no update on Visa and my offer. Visa got rejected still they are saying wait we will do.
I lost my other opportunities waiting for this. Other candidates to whome they offered with me, even they got the visa, company never called and provided a job to them. They all are still waiting.
Better not to fall in this trap.
★★★★★ -
Good Performance get appreciated and awarded -
- - 9/3/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentDiaspark lets you multitask, it offers me versatile platform to work on different sets of marketing activities. When you work with Diaspark, you know your good performance gets appreciated and awarded.
★★★★★ -
Thanx Diaspark for trusting my capability -
- - 9/3/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentLearnt a lot from Diaspark and this helped me even in discovering my those capabilities which even I am unknown So thanx Diaspark for trusting my capability and giving this opportunity at very prior stage of my IT career.
★☆☆☆☆ -
If you want to be in trap and wana make your career on toss then only consider Diaspark or for ready for worst. -
- - 5/31/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Worst consultancy ever you will se in your career -
- - 5/31/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWorst consultancy ever you will se in your career
★☆☆☆☆ -
Worst consultancy ever you will se in your career -
- - 5/31/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWorst consultancy ever you will se in your career
★★★★★ -
Employees are happy @ diaspark -
- - 5/28/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIf you are a good performer, you can move to higher levels much faster . the company goes to great lengths to ensure employees are happy and pampered. Work life balance, Lot of different exposure to teams.
- 5/31/2013 - These are all junk to attract by nonsense marketing guys.
Don't even think of joining as a consultant as you will be facing trouble in every steps if your life with Diaspark.Now rating of Diaspark is so worst that at every 2-3 days of interval they are trying to put junk comments to attract and make their things better. -
★★★★★ -
Life is easy at Diaspark -
- - 5/27/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIn very easy sense , I can say life is easy with Diaspark & my career as well. Prompt responses..decent staff.. professional management.. An opportunity of doing amazing work and meeting with amazing people. Thanks to Diaspark for such an amazing opportunity.
Pradeep - 1/27/2015 - Not associated with Diaspark yet (not even planning to)... but these comments are so funny that I had to make a comment here.
Anyone can easily make out these comments are not real.
Team @ Diaspark: please dont make it so obvious :) -
★★★★★ -
Thankful to seniors for supporting me in my journey -
- - 5/24/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentDiaspark's team has been very helpful throughout my journey. Working for different clients helped me to stay on top of latest and thanks to the Marketing team for finding right job at the right time.
And thanks for the group health insurance offered by Diaspark, it helped me and my family in a great way.”
- 5/24/2013 - These are fraud comments to Trap some more innocent consultants.You will be in hell after looking pay and insurance as they parallel make money through insurance. -
flag - 5/24/2013 - Marketing team fight will make your search impossible and unrealistic. -
★★★★★ -
It has been an invaluable 5 years at Diaspark -
- - 5/23/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIt has been an invaluable 5 years at Diaspark. In these 5 years, I have not only explored my IT skills but have been exposed to many other cutting edge technologies. I myself handled technical projects with different levels of responsibilities and challenges that have helped me grow professionally.
- 5/24/2013 - For consultants in USA they dont provide anything other then sucking your money so these guy looks like attending Diaspark india and not aware of trouble working as a aconsultant. -
★★★★★ -
Working here is dream come true -
- - 5/17/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
comment“Working in Diaspark is like dream come true, Company's working culture is very smooth and friendly. The HR, the accounts and other admin staff supported me for all my needs. Seniors and Colleagues are also very much helpful. . I would love to continue working with Diaspark and grow in my career as well. Thanks Diaspark!”
- 5/19/2013 - Again a diaspark india employee has given inappropriate comment as a consultant you are in trouble working with Diaspark. -
flag - 5/19/2013 - consultants please keep away with this hell diaspark. -
★☆☆☆☆ -
They are so worst that for earning money they even earn money from your insurance money and every year they will increase insurance money to suck your blood -
- - 4/12/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
★☆☆☆☆ -
You will be in trouble if you are with diaspark -
- - 4/11/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
★★★★★ -
Excellent Consultancy -
- M.Kapoor - 4/2/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIt’s smooth sailing with Diaspark. They have highly motivated and dedicated team. A Big Thanks you to all. Looking forward to many more years of fruitful association.
- 4/2/2013 - Check this guy is from india diaspark team itself.beware from this consultancy as they will make things worst. -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Diaspark is worst consultancy in USA -
- - 3/31/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentYou will put you in trouble the moment you join them as coming out is horrible from this consultancy as well as worst pay compare to others.Guys beware if you find any positive comment from any of the user just treat it as posted by their sales team or their team.
★☆☆☆☆ -
If you want experience with worst company, Just go for it... Kick your ass -
- - 3/27/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
★☆☆☆☆ -
- - 3/26/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI wish USCIS would block this org. I am waiting to hear that. Playing with employees is not good. I wish the top level employees should work under me. I will kill them BASTERDS.
★☆☆☆☆ -
You wanna experience with very bad consultancy -
- - 3/26/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentYes, I do experienced very bad things with this org. Please don't ever try to go for this consultancy. Don't waste your time. They don't have job they will just play with you. Idiots.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Worst Consultancy -
- - 3/26/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentIf you want to FU*K yourself go for this consultancy. I have experienced. Thanks.
★☆☆☆☆ -
Analyst Position -
- - 3/25/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentOh My God, they are really horrible, They are irresponsible. Don't spend your time to apply to this consultancy. They will just play with you. No DOUBT. I have experienced.
★★★★☆ -
Much better than other desi companies out there -
- sri - 3/23/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI worked for Diaspark for more than 4 yrs and got my green card as well but never had a bad experience. They do start with less salary and % but don't play with consultants(at least didn't happen to me).
- 3/26/2013 - This guy looks fake as he mentioned he was with them for 4 years and he got green card also in 4 years.HAHAHAHAHAH -
★★★★★ -
Excellent Consultancy -
- - 2/6/2013 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI have been working with Diaspark for more than an year. I never had any issue with them.
1. They have an excellent marketting team for .Net and can show plenty of oppotunities in any location. I was never on bench for more than a week.
2. The staff is so friendly and very well understands your concerns @ ur job location and is ready to look for new opportunities.
3. The payrates from vendor are very transparant. Same with payrolls (they are very transparant)
They pay a very less percentage rate,the max is 70-30%. I also have worked for 60-40,65-35 and finally 70-30 after an year. But has incremented as promissed.
pal - 3/16/2013 - This is message is posted by one of the Diaspark sales team so don't believe on this.The reality is not the same now the r the worst percentage payor in market and u will get threaten by them if u leave them and try to join there client .
They will threat to take court.So please beware of with them. -
★★☆☆☆ -
Java developer -
- - 7/6/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
commentResponsive but not good for people with Java development side.Usually they prefer dotnet guys
★★★★☆ -
Diaspark review -
- - 1/13/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
commentHad a good journey with the company....HRD is responsive....good to work
QqmnAxiZuf - 1/12/2013 - you should go to your eamssby as well as the local psb. If they are legitimate they extend your visa for the period that they have your passport. Ift hey are not legitimate than this will be known by the local psb. Of course you must register in the city that you are staying in. I am living in SIchuan and reigistered here. Also some officals entered my home and requested to the names of all living here but did not require my passport. They recorded everyone in the household, My Chinese wife daughter and mother in law. In any means contact th eamssby and the psb to see what the problem is.Yiu may have a little problem crossing theborder if you do not get your visa extended, however a day or 2 overstay should niot be to much of a problem. They will understandthat youi are not trying to become an illegal alien . They will probably lecture you and send you on your way. -
★☆☆☆☆ -
Java Developer -
- Sarvesh Jain - 7/21/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentDont dare to join, kind of this companies. Already in USCIS blocklist.