Oatlands, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Scrum Master
Occupation: IT and Math
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Career Level: Fully Competent
Languages: English
Highlights:Project Manager Scrum Master Delivery Manager Architect Analyst
Skills:Project management ,agile,scrum master,Analyst
Goal:To leverage my extensive experience in Agile methodologies, project management, and leadership to drive successful project outcomes, foster team collaboration, and deliver innovative solutions that align with organizational goals and business excellence
Membership:PMP TOGAF Scaled Agile Frame Work
Certification:• Project Management professional(PMP) • SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) • Agile SCRUM Master (By SAFe & Scrum Study) • SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager • Enterprise Architect (TOGAF) • Post Graduate Program — Certified - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Honor:AI Post graduation Best employee
PM-Scrum Master 10/02/2022 - current
Dept of Health, , Australia
Managed and delivered complex data analytic platforms,reports,integration,development Salesforce and matrix and data science products (Health & Aged care data warehouse)
§ Managedanddeliveredcomplexdataanalyticplatforms,reportsandmatrixand data science products (Health & Aged care data warehouse)
§ ImplementedAgedcareandHealthdatafunctionalities-integratedSalesforce, data warehouse.
§ ManageddataanalyticsandDatawarehouseanddatascienceprojects.
§ Managingdevelopmentmultipleteamsandsprintceremonies(AgileSCRUM)
§ Managedcross-functionalteamcollaboration,dependencies,risksandvalue
stream deliveries.
§ Executingtheentiresoftwaredevelopmentprocess(endtoend)
§ ManagedProjectimplementation(ReleaseTrain)Preparations,agileceremonies,
and Planning.
§ TrainedtheteamoneffectiveandefficientwithAgileprinciples,values,and
§ ManageddeliveryofAIProductsinGoogle-GeminiVertexenvironments--
Kerala University 06/1983 - 02/1988
, , United States
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
degree course
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