Troy, Milchigan48083, US
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: Financial Analyst, Accounts Payable Supervisor
Occupation: Business and Finance
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: English & Tamil
Highlights:Growing from small firm to MNC company with ERP experienced working ability..
Skills:AP, Financial Analyst
Goal:Smart working and ever knowledge gaining with continuous improvements..
Membership:Just four papers to get clear to become a Professional as "Chartered Accountant" CA..
Certification:Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) I.e., undergraduate degree. Master of Business Administration (MBA) I.e., post graduation degree / Masters degree. Pursuing Indian CA - Chartered Accountancy Professional Course. Just four papers are pending to complete CA.
Honor:Sports & Games - As a team caption and winner in many events, so that lifted the "Overall college Championship Award" while studying graduation in Commerece.
Assistant Finance Manager October/2010 - current
Suntec AutoMobile Products, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India
Industry: Automobiles
Overall responsibility in payroll and general accounting and taxation areas..
Assistant Finance Manager position gives me immense
Experience in handling variety of finance knowledge in main aspects.--
Login to view resume: Sooriya - Good attitude always makes best worker..