Home > Candidates > Selim BERBER

Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

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  • Looking For: Supply Chain Manager, Manufacturing Engineer

  • Occupation: Architecture and Engineering

  • Degree: Master's Degree

  • Career Level: Experienced

  • Languages: English

Career Information:

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Highlights:Have strong inter personal relations, communication skills, professional approach and team working ability.

Skills:Contract Management, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Management, Contract Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Manufacturing Manager

Goal:Add value to my personal life and also to whom I work for.


Certification:• February 2006: Bureau Veritas, Internal Quality Management System Inspector, Certification Programme. • February 2006: Bureau Veritas, Process Management and Critical Process Selection, Certification Programme. • March 2006: TUV NORD, SNT– TC–1A Nondestructive testing method Penetration Test (PT) Level II. • April 2006: TUV NORD, Visual weld inspection acc. To ASME and EN rules. (Qualified VT examiner). • April 2006: TUV NORD, SNT– TC–1A Nondestructive testing method Radiographic Test (RT) Level II. • March 2007: Istanbul Kurumsal Gelisim, Project Management Methodologies and Applications. • October 2011: Prüfftechnic, Eddy Current nondestructive testing method. • October 2011: Borusan Academy, 6 Sigma Green Belt education. • January 2012: Kirmizi Danismanlik & Egitim, Leadership and Risk management. • September 2024: Galway Academy, Business Law


Member of Board 12/2015 - current
ONUR Hidromekanik Ltd Sti, Tuzla, Istanbul Turkey
Industry: Automotive
• ONUR HIDROMEKANIK LTD (December 2015-Till Today) Is one of the major hydraulic cylinder designer and manufacturer of Turkey in addition to cylinders also designing and manufacturing of steering column, ball joint, track rod and complete set of Tractor front axles. Tel: +90 216 3948492 Web: www.onurhidromekanik.com.tr
Main responsibility is to create new markets and customers in EMENA region also in Pakistan and India. Production, Quality, Purchasing and Marketing departments are reporting to me.--
Manufacturing Supervisor 12/2012 - 11/2015
Donaldson Filters Co, Maslak, Istanbul Turkey
Industry: Energy
• DONALDSON Filters Co. (December 2012-December 2015) Is the biggest Filtration Company in the world. Active in the fields of Automotive, Gas Turbine Systems, Microelectronics, Aviation and various Industrial applications. Tel: +1 952 887 31 31, +32 16 38 38 11 Web: www.donaldson.com, www.emea.donaldson.com
Was working for GTS (Gas Turbine Systems) business unit. Controlling and managing all constructional manufacturing activities like project planning, capacity planning, man-hour efficiency, defining manufacturing methods and flows, preparing cost estimations and supporting Advance Purchasing. New supplier/contractor selection & development and weekly & monthly evaluation of all existing suppliers/contractors which are in EMENA region. KPI setting and periodical follow up of all existing suppliers/contractors was falling into my Job definition. Was reporting to VP GTS in Donaldson Europe HQ located in Leuven / Belgium.--
Manufacturing & Product Development Manager 07/2011 - 12/2012
BORUSAN Tube and Profile Co, Cayirova, Kocaeli Turkey
Industry: Energy
• BORUSAN Stainless Tube and Profile Co. (July 2011-December 2012) Was the main and only stainless-steel tube and profile manufacturer in Turkey. Customers were the players of Chemical, Petrochemical, Energy and Automotive industries. Tel: +90 262 654 23 00 Web: www.borusan-paslanmaz.com
I was managing Product Development, Planning, QA&QC, Maintenance, Purchasing and Manufacturing departments. Directly reporting to GM.--
VP Manufacturing & Product Development 06/2007 - 07/2011
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri AS, Izmit, Kocaeli Turkey
Industry: Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri Imalati ve Tic. A.S. Was an EPC company active in the fields of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, Iron & Steel, Power & Generation, Water Desalination and Mining. Tel: +90 216 561 98 98 Web: www.santek.com.tr
I was managing Sales, Tendering, Design, Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Procurement and Project Management departments & processes. Project Management duty was including the budget control, purchasing, manufacturing, progress control, quality control, transportation, site erections and commissioning stages. I had the full authority to hire and fire personnel, to sign contracts with the customers and subcontractors. I often had to fly to abroad in order to perform Sales and Project management activities and been to major countries like Chile, Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Greece, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and India.--
Workshop & Project Manager 05/2004 - 06/2007
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri AS, Izmit, Kocaeli Turkey
Industry: Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri Imalati ve Tic. A.S. Was an EPC company active in the fields of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, Iron & Steel, Power & Generation, Water Desalination and Mining. Tel: +90 216 561 98 98 Web: www.santek.com.tr
I was the manager of a 200 people organization and the head of Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Planning, Procurement, Design and Human resource departments. Beside these activities I was also following up some projects simultaneously as a Project Manager.--
Quality Control & Assurance Manager 09/1999 - 05/2004
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri AS, Izmit, Kocaeli Turkey
Industry: Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas
SANTEK Sanayi Tesisleri Imalati ve Tic. A.S. Was an EPC company active in the fields of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, Iron & Steel, Power & Generation, Water Desalination and Mining.Tel: +90 216 561 98 98 Web: www.santek.com.tr
I have established the QA/QC department and then started - managed the activities of following certifications, ASME Code “U”, “S”, “PP” stamps, ISO 9001:2000, EN 729-2 HP0 AD 2000, DIN 18800, GOST-R. Beside this duty, I have also acted as a Welding – Welder Procedures and Certification Manager which means the preparation and control of WPS, PQR, WPQR documents.--


Kocaeli University 09/1995 - 07/1999
Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
It was my desire to become a Mechanical Engineer.

Yeditepe University 09/2000 - 07/2003
Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Business Administration
Was very fun to add managerial abilities to my educational back ground.

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