Home > Candidates > Roger Escalona
Roger Escalona

Machala, El oro, province, Ecuador

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: English Teacher, Spanish Teacher

  • Occupation: Education, Training, and Library

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: Spanish and English

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Skills:Classroom Management, Lesson Planner, Critical Thinking, Patient, Dedication


English (IB) Teacher 04/2022 - current
UEPRIM, Machala, El oro Ecuador
Industry: SEDUC
In this school, I have been working with middle school students only.
1. I have worked with 9th graders to take them from A2 to B1 in Cambridge exams. 2. With 7th graders, I am working on Language and Literature. (A2 Flyers) 3. With 8th graders, I am working on Language and Literature. (A2 KET) 4. With 9th graders, I am working on Language Acquisition because in my case I am in charge of low-level students getting a higher score in Cambridge exams (A2 ket to B1 preliminary) 5. Certified in IB program!--
English Teacher 08/2018 - 08/2021
San Juan de Bucay School, Bucay, Guayas Ecuador
Industry: Pronaca
My job was to teach English to elementary, middle, and high school.
I used to teach students with songs, flashcards, and their books, developing their use of language (more vocabulary) Gamification was important to the school, so I had to apply a lot of it. The flipped class was a clue to make students participate more.--


Universidad Pedagógica Experimental el Libertador 03/2010 - 03/2017
Maracay, Estado Aragua, Venezuela
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:In Education
I got my bachelor's degree in Education. Major: foreign language (English)

International Baccalaureate 06/2022 - current
Machala, El oro, Ecuador
Degree: Associate's Degree
I got the IB certificate by studying directly with the IB program. https://ibo.my.site.com/ibportal/apex/IBPortalLanding

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
  • Visa: -
  • Work Authorization: -
  • Expected Salary: -
  • Intests & Hobbies: -