Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Petroleum Engineer
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: english, french (with dictionary), russian (native)
Skills:Welding specialist, III level, NDT, RT, II level, NDT, VT, II level, NDT, UT, II level, NDT, MT, II level, NDT, PT, II level, API 510 Pressure vessel inspector, API 570 Piping inspector
Certification:API 510 Pressure vessel inspector API 570 Piping inspector Welding specialist, Level III Ultrasonic testing of the weld joints. Qualification as NDT Level II Visual Inspection. Qualification as NDT Level II Radiographic testing - Gamma ray and X-ray. Qualification as NDT Level II Penetrant testing. Qualification as NDT Level II MAgnetic partical testing. Qualification as NDT Level II
Pipeline Engineer 07/2015 - 12/2016
Transneft, Ufa, Bashkortostan Russia
Industry: operation of the crude oil pipelines
- organization of repair works of the pipelines;
- monitoring the technical condition of the of the facilities, technological equipment;
- production scheduling;
- work deadline monitoring;
- keeping and handover of “As Built” documentation
Senior NDT Engineer 08/2010 - 07/2015
Transneft, Ufa, Bashkortostan Russia
Industry: operation of the crude oil pipelines
- Welders certification
- Developing welding maps for piping systems and reservoirs
- Non-destructive testing of welded joints on (methods of control: Visual, Ultrasonic, Radiographic, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle Examination);
- Destructive testing of welded joints during certification of welders;
- Diagnostics and processing of technical reports of welded joints of main and technical pipelines, reservoirs, pipe couplings, tees
- Developing NDT process charts and instructions
- Control and provision of work access to subcontractor’s NDT Laboratory
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 09/2003 - 07/2008
Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Petroleum engineer
Construction and Operation of the Gas and Crude Oil Pipelines and oil and Gas and Crude Oil Storage Facilities
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