Home > Candidates > Paola Castro
Paola Castro

san jose, san jose, Costa Rica

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Journalism

  • Occupation: Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Entry Level

  • Languages: english and spanish

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content risk management 01-2021 - current
amazon, san jose, san jose Costa Rica
Industry: kindle books
Content Creation, Writing, Risk and Project management, Training, Mentoring, Data analysis, preventing and improving processes (proactive and reactive) to amend a business overall. Ability to handle complex situations where short/long term solutions are required and driven to understand root causes and perform meaningful deep dives.
People and Project Management to books organization in amazon--
content risk coordinator 10-2018 - 01-2021
amazon, san jose, san jose Costa Rica
Industry: kindle books
Ability to adapt to a multilingual publishing environment for both Public Domain and Intellectual Property content
In charge of reviewing kindle books before amazon publishing, make changes to SOPS and communicate to stakeholders--
CS and Tech Support kindle 06-2017 - 10-2018
amazon, san jose, san jose Costa Rica
Industry: kindle books
Careful analysis into customer problems, diving deep into the customer situation, to determine root cause. Responsible for driving team metrics reports, as data mining on different skills.
CS agent for kindle books and tech support in US and Canada, floor support and main SME for questions on the team, drive metrics reports as sme.--
sales associate 01-2017 - 06-2017
at/t, san jose, san jose Costa Rica
Sales support experience as: offering items that were selling on the company
Developed experience and skills in responding courteously and quickly to customer's inquiries regarding a client s products and services Investigating and resolving complains related to billing, services, and equipment or account information changes.--


liceo experimental bilingue 01-2011 - 12-2016
san jose, san jose, Costa Rica
Degree: High School Or Below
Major:high school degree and conversational english degree
high school degree and conversational english degree

Universidad san judas tadeo 01-2018 - 04-2025
san jose, san jose, Costa Rica
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
bachelor in communication

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
  • Visa: -
  • Work Authorization: -
  • Expected Salary: -
  • Intests & Hobbies: -