Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Technical Project Manager, Software Development Manager
Occupation: IT and Math
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: English
Highlights:PHP, Java and C/C++. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle-11g., Framework, Laravel 7.X, CodeIgniter, J2SE, J2EE (Servlet, JSP, JPA, EJB, Hibernate as ORM, Java Spring Framework and Spring Boot) Os-Commerce, X-cart, Zen-Cart, Magento, Cre-Loader, Joomla & WordPress, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, EL, JSTL,JSON, Bootstrap, Angular.JS, Angular2, Vue.JS. Notepad++, Sublime Text, Eclipse, Net beans Dreamweaver, Zend Studio, Visual Studio .Net, SQL Plus, Oracle Developers, Navi cat, Toad. 2 | P a g e Curriculum Vitae, Engr. Md..Nur Alam Linux DNS, FTP, SSH, Telnet, Web Server configuration, Bash and Shell Scripting. Windows, CentOS 6, Ubuntu, macOS, Photoshop 8.0, CS2, CS3, And Illustrator. Jira, Trello, Slack, Bitbucket, and GitHub
Skills:Project Manager, Software Engineer, Web Application, Java Developer
Goal:Aspire to excel and join with the winning team/organization where I can achieve & utilize my technical expertise and managerial skills in the area of Technical Project Manager, solution architecture, software development, system analyst, database administrator as well as Head of Technology skills. I have 13+ years of professional experience with java, PHP, MYSQL, Oracle based web application programming and 3 years of professional experience with Android. I use java and php as my main programming language. I have some hands-on experience of Server Administration, Database Administration. I also have a good Managerial and soft skill leadership quality to lead unique position for small to large scale corporation.
Certification:1. Java SE 6 Training (Need to seat for OCP JP6 Vendor Exam). Duration/Time: Total 45 Hours IBCS Primax, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 2. Web Application Programming with J2EE (Java Servlet/JSP, Struts2, spring and Hibernate as ORM, Groovy & Grails). Duration: 60 Hours BJIT Academy, Baridhara, Dhaka 3. Oracle Fundamental (Need to Seat for OCA Vendor Exam) Duration/Time: Total 40 Hours IBCS-Primax, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 4. Oracle DBA-1 Module (Need to Seat for OCA Vendor Exam) Duration/Time: Total 40 Hours IBCS-Primax, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 5. Networking & ISP setup with Red Hat Linux, BBIT, 126, Elephant Road, Dhaka Duration: 6 Months (A+) BBIT, Butter Moaur, Dhaka
Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 03/2019 - current
Seed120 Ltd, Lemasos, Cypus Cyprus
Industry: IT & Software
• Manage/Co-ordinate Software Developer/Engineers to deploy the company's inhouse and clients Software solutions
• Technical Project Management, Team Coordination & Management, Customer Communications and persuasions, Project Technical Proposal and Presentation to close the final deals.
• Project Plan, Estimation, Resource, Time frame and Cost Estimations, Project WBS, CPM/PERT, Threads, Risk
Optimization and minimize the Development SLA.
• Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Practical exercise on calculating Expected time, Variance and Std. Deviation and optimize project deliverables times and risk
• Software Information System Analysis, Requirement Analysis, Technical Feasibility Study, Prototype, UAT, OAT, Go-Live, O&M Life cycle Management.
• Software architectural design, database design, SOA, 2 –Tier, N-Tier Client Server Architecture, System Security and Optimization from Server, Database and Application Layers.
• Routinely review with all team members daily and weekly work progress monitoring, Conflict’s resolution and escalation as well.
• Key project SDLC Monitoring and Appraisal to team member, Customer-centric Prioritization and use experience.
• Convince Clients, Business owner or Investor by project proposal and key insights need to focus with the technical presentations.
• Business Case Canvas Readiness by Problem Statement Brief, Mission, Vision, Goal and Objective description, Cost and Benefit forecasting and dig down projection.
• Project Business case and prospect various Metrics as Break-event Point, Payback-Period, NPV and IRR.--
Manager, Billing & IP Application 03/2013 - 03/2019
Banglalion Communications Ltd., Dhaka, Bangaladesh Bangladesh
Industry: IT & Telecommunications
• Make efficient project plan, Work Break Down (WBS) by Hierarchical decomposition and total scope of work (SOW).
• Manage Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI) to maximize assigned team members effort and deliverables.
• Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Practical exercise on calculating Expected time, Variance and Std.
Deviation and optimize project deliverables times and risk
• System Analysis, Requirement Analysis, Feasibility Study, UML, Use-Case and documentation.
• Clint and stakeholder communication, Project Planning, Scheduling and Team Management.
• Software architectural design, database design, SOA, 2 –Tier, N-Tier Client Server Architecture.
• Web services with HTTP SOAP, RESTful, and AWS. Develop API and Daily Promotional Product/Service.
• System Security and Optimization from Server, Database and Application Layers
• Payment Getaway API (Credit Card, Authorize.Net, PayPal, Google Checkout), Shipping API (FedEx, UPS,
USPS, DHL), local payment getaway like bkash, ucash, Gpay, rocket, port wallet, SSL integration SMS API Integration.--
Sr. Programmer 01/2011 - 02/2013
Softon Group, Dhaka, Bangaladesh Bangladesh
Industry: IT & Software
• Key technical requirement analysis to meet the business logic
• Software product development plan and strategic decision making.
• Key Stockholders Technical Communication and Requirement Finalization
• Software Product Architectural Design, Analysis, Software Security and Optimization
• Development and Implementation: To lead the IT Development team and manage the further development and implementation of projects as per company requirements
• E-commerce Software Development and Process Automation, Online Price Bidding Software System Analysis, Design and
• Online Money Transfer Software Analysis, Design and Development--
Software Engineer 11/2009 - 12/2010
Grameen Solutions Ltd., Dhaka, Bangaladesh Bangladesh
Industry: IT & Software
• Web Portal, Web Application, Android Application Design and Development, Database design and development
• System Analysis, design, Stockholder communication and Process requirement finalization
• System Security and Optimization, LAMP training instructor at Bangladesh Army
• Skill Hired resource with Grameenphone IT, GPIT (Accenture, Bangladesh)
• Manage the day to day operations of IT systems, ensuring that planning, end-user impact, change management, training, quality management are properly addressed and monitored to ensure that deadlines, budgets and service levels are met and results delivered
• System DB Backup, Recovery and Replication, Fraud Protection and System Security--
Software Engineer 05/2008 - 10/2009
ITIW-Webdev, Dhaka, Bangaladesh Bangladesh
Industry: IT & Software
Software requirement analysis, Design & Development
• Web Application Design and Development
• Database Application Design and Development
• System Analysis, SRS, WBS and Customer Communication
• E-commerce system development with Zend-Cart, OS-Commerce, X-Cart, CRE-Loader, Magento.--
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology(RUET) 01/2004 - 12/2007
Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Computer Science & Engineering
B.Sc Engineering in CSE
C/C++ Programming
Java, JSP, J2SE and J2EE
Algorithm and Data Structure
MD_Nur_Alam IT Project Manager