Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Software Testing, Software Quality Assurance Analyst
Occupation: IT and Math
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: english
Highlights:10 years experience in software developments 10+ years experience in software quality assurance
Skills:Software White/Black Box Testing, Software Testing, Software Quality Assurance
Goal:Create Software expert identity in US
Certification:B. Sc Electronic Master in Computer Science
Honor:Got medal in MCA
Test lead 06/2006 - current
cimcon software inc, ahmedabad, gujarat India
Industry: IT
Responsible for all testing activities.
Q A Manager 01/2005 - 05/2006
intellicon pvt. ltd., ahmedabad, gujarat India
Industry: IT
Software testing, implement software at client site, signoff projects
Q A Analyst 01/2004 - 01/2005
Bitscape IT Solutions p. ltd., ahmedabad, gujarat India
Industry: IT
Software testing &implementation.
Q A Analyst 01/2004 - 01/2005
Bitscape IT Solutions p. ltd., ahmedabad, gujarat India
Industry: IT
Software testing &implementation.
Apple Computer ltd. 01/1992 - 03/1995
ahmedabad, gujarat, India
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Software Developments
Cobol, clipper, turbo c, Unix, Unix with c
Software Testing
Software Testing Test Leader
Nilesh Panchal Software Testing
nileshpanchal QA Manager/Test Lead
Nilesh Panchal Software Quality Assurance/Software Testing Expert
nilesh panchal software testing
nilesh panchal software testing
nilesh panchal software testing