Pola, Mindoro Oriental, Philippines
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Teacher
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: English and Filipino
Highlights:Class adviser of students in Grade 10 under the Special Program in Science Technology and Engineering (STE) Graduate of Master of Arts in Education major in Biological Sciences Experienced teacher for 9 years
Skills:Behavioral management, Behavioral management, Behavioral management, Time management, Organizational skills, Patience
Goal:To be a globally competent educator
Certification:Professional Teacher License
Honor:Kotobee Interactive Ebook Contest 2020 Runner-up Winner
Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology 06/2010 - 04/2014
Calapan, Mindoro Oriental, Philippines
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Minor:Physical Sciences
Graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education with a concentration in Physical Sciences
Myrafe R. Soria Science Teacher Applicant