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Matt Nowell Roldan Talania

Barangay Tamag Vigan City Ilocos Sur Philippines, Region 1, Philippines

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Primary Teacher, Music, Arts, Pe & Health Teacher

  • Occupation: Education, Training, and Library

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Experienced

  • Languages: English, Filipino

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Skills:Chorographer, Multi Athlete, Professional Volleyball


College Instructor 10/2021 - 02/2022
North Luzon Philippines State College, Candon City, ILOCOS SUR Philippines
Industry: Education
I college instructor at North Luzon Philippines State College Candon City Ilocos Sur., teaching MAPEH, English, Filipino, Literature. I was hired on October 2021 end in February 2022.
In my Third year of Experience in teaching was at North Luzon Philippines State College being a part time instructor. First. I was just saw thru Fb page about the job position needed. I'll trued to pass my Resume, Application Letter, all Certificate of Employment and rating. I was dem thru online, I was eager to have another job that's why I try my best to impress the admin and other person watching me thru online. I was scared on first but when I was master the lesson that they gave to me, then I show them what I got to have worked and enter to their institution. the students itself are listening and communicating each one of us, that why the lesson flow is much easier, they have a lot of taught that I gave to them, they are talented person also because if what my I doing to them their gonna do as much as possible because being a teacher is not easy for me because they are a lot of teach one per room is 50 students, that why I have a loud voice modulation. my problem on this institutions is that its to far away from my home I need to have pay travel almost half of my salary single day if they need e in there school. but I love the admin, co-workers and students also. they are so humble, loving and caring.--
Senior High School Teacher and College Instructor 08/2020 - 06/2021
STI College Vigan, Barangay Solidwest ,Vigan City , Ilocos Sur Philippines
Industry: Education
Second year of teaching I was hired at STI College Vigan as a Senior High School Teacher and College Instructor, teaching Filipino, MAPEH, Literature, Computer, English. I started teaching year 2020 ends in 2021.
In my second year of teaching at STI College Vigan, before I was hired here, I am talking to my friends where and what school available position for teacher. then she told me this school/ institution. I tried to pass my application letter, my work experience, certificate of employment and others. then after an hour they called me to come to there school to have a demo teaching and interview. I was shocked because I didn't know if my application is approved or denied, afterwards I prepared my my lesson plan, power point presentation, a copy of lesson plan. I was pressure of this because I have one day to prepare everything I talked to my mom that please mom Can you give me this time to work and prepare for my demo teaching tomorrow. so she said yes. then I already do my best to do. then following day I already go to the school and prepare my laptop and everything that I they need to see on my demo teaching. they gave me 5 minutes before I start my demo. then after that I already start but before that I am shaking and nervous, but God knows that's why I want to have work then I myself have a good feedback of my demo teaching I am the highest rank for the position then they hired me. First when I was entering the school, I am a little bit nervous because its new work place, new environment and new co-workers. after months I love being the institution because they love the teacher, they helped what need to be done and others. based on my experience teaching here I love the students because they are focusing and listening while I am talking with them. they appreciate what I have got to them, they shares a lot or knowledge, allot them participate what activities, projects that I gave to them. so impressive. but there is a problem that's why I left on this institution is that before I was left, it just a few students to remain the school, I have no doughs of the learning environment of the school. but the big problem for me here is when the admin message me thru email that they will not be allowed to remains in there institution because of the population of the students. I was socked, crying and stress because I want to stay but they tell no sir, that why I left the school. the range of salary is to slow also.--
Secondary Teacher and Elementary Teacher 08/2019 - 05/2020
Divine Word College of Vigan, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Philippines
Industry: Education
I am teaching at Divine Word College of Vigan as a Secondary Teacher, teaching Filipino, English, Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health. I started teaching august 2019 until may 2020. at Vigan City, Ilocos Sur.
Before entering my First job as a Secondary teacher, I suffered form doughs, stress, and pressure, because after I graduate I already have faith to try my beloved school to participate the applicant position. then few weeks or months I was received a text and call of the school and I was happy that I am the one who is qualified for the demo teaching and interview, first I was nervous but after wards I finally grab the opportunity to do my best in demo and interview. after following days, I already Hired as a teacher, then it continues my a good heart, soul and mind that on this day , I already have a work, I really love my position as a secondary education. because before I was a student and after that I already shared my taught and feelings in teaching. I love my first job because I appreciate the love and support of my family, friends, co-workers, administrator and our President of the school. I was amaze of what I shared to my students about what my specific subject taught to them. they are happy to see me every single day. but suddenly I was resigned of my first job because I have not pass my licensed and my problem is that our principal is to much harsh of me. that's why that is one of the reason why a leaving my first job.--


Divine Word College of Vigan 6/5/2015 - 5/29/2019
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
I graduate at Divine Word College of Vigan, year 2019 with a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education Major in Filipino and minor in English at my beloved province/country Ilocos Sur Philippines

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