Home > Candidates > LIDETAW ABEBE

Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Laboratory Technical

  • Occupation: Healthcare

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: English

Career Information:

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Highlights:Its goal is to give an employer the main details, allowing a candidate to choose the open role simply and concisely.

Skills:Bsic Computer, HIV, Malaria

Goal:They can be short-term, like getting a promotion or certification, or they can be long-term, like running your own successful business or being an executive at your dream company.

Membership:Professional memberships aim to support individuals professionally and aid them in progressing within their career/profession.

Certification:the process of earning an official document, or the act of providing an official document, as proof that something has happened or been done

Honor:An honor is when someone is officially recognized and respected for their accomplishments. An award is a prize someone receives for something special they have


Medical Laboratory Technology 03/2016 - current
Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Industry: Hospital
A medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are conducted out on clinical specimens to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
A medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are conducted out on clinical specimens to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.--


Addis Ababa University 01/2016 - 03/2021
Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Medical Laboratory Technology
Minor:Medical Laboratory Techncal
A medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are conducted out on clinical specimens to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

Download Resume(Available to Employers Only):

Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Laboratory Technology

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
  • Visa: -
  • Work Authorization: -
  • Expected Salary: -
  • Intests & Hobbies: -