Home > Candidates > KONSTANTIN SHEIKO

Moscow, Russia

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Teacher Fine Art Painting, Museum/gallery Assistant

  • Occupation: Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media

  • Degree: Master's Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: Russian (fluent), English (Intermediate)

Career Information:

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Highlights:2005 – Portrait “The Ailing Novelist” was selected for exhibiting in the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh. 2004 – First Place in the Portrait Category for the watercolor painting “Grandmother” in the Watermedia Showcase Competition, sponsored by Watercolor Magic (USA). 2002 –Grand Prix in the Portrait Category for the oil painting “Prisoner’s Mother” (13,000 applicants in the Art Competition), sponsored by The Artist’s Magazine, (USA).

Skills:Art teacher, museum/gallery assistant

Goal:Become a successful artist; to generate a fellow artist circle to make a pleasant and beautiful artistic environment in educational institutions, public gardens, city recreational spots, etc.

Membership:Professional Union of Artists. Russia, Moscow. International Federation of Artists (Creative Union Russian Artists). Russia, Moscow.

Certification:License in Management in the Field of Visual Arts and Diploma project, targeting contemporary visual arts.

Honor:2022 – Invitation to The Residencia Corazón - Artist in Residency, Argentina. 2014 – personal invitation to participate in The Portrait Gala of the National Portrait Gallery. London, UK. 2007 - Portrait “Brother” was selected among the nominees of The Artist's Magazine's 24th Annual Art Competition. 2006 – personal invitation to participate in the Mystery Portrait Gala to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the National Portrait Gallery. London, UK. 2005 – Portrait “The Ailing Novelist” was selected for exhibiting in the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh. 2004 – First Place in the Portrait Category for the watercolor painting “Grandmother” in the Watermedia Showcase Competition, sponsored by Watercolor Magic (USA). 2004 – selected as featuring artist for Premier Portfolio Artist included in the Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy. 2003 – Art project “Autocatastrophes” (Konstantin Sheiko and Anna Ataeva) was accepted by the most famous Art Museum of Russia, “The State Tretyakov’s Gallery”. 2002 –Grand Prix in the Portrait Category for the oil painting “Prisoner’s Mother” (13,000 applicants in the Art Competition), sponsored by The Artist’s Magazine, (USA). 1995 – Full (both Merit and Financial) Scholarship. The Art Institute of Chicago (Early College Program), Chicago, Illinois (USA).


participating artist of galleries 11/2009 - 10/2022
Central House of Artists https://cha.moscow, Moscow, Russia
Industry: Art
participating artist
painting, oil, watercolor--
creative home décor; murals & Faux painting 05/2004 - 08/2008
self-employed, HOUSTON, TX United States
Industry: Art
creative home décor; murals & Faux painting
creative private home décor; murals & Faux painting--
art teacher private art classes 05/2004 - 08/2008
self-employed, Houston, TX United States
Industry: Art
art classes oil/watercolor
teaching art classes oil/watercolor--
participating artist of galleries 10/2002 - 12/2003
Moscow Manege http://moscowmanege.ru/ru/, Moscow, Russia
Industry: Art
participating artist
painting, oil, watercolor--


Moscow Fine Art Lyceum/College 10/1990 - 05/1996
Moscow, , Russia
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Minor:Painting and Composition
Full Course of six-year Fine Art Lyceum/College with Excellence in Drawing, Painting and Composition.

High School for the Performing and Visual Arts 09/1993 - 12/1993
HOUSTON, TX, United States
Degree: High School Or Below
Major:visual art
high school program in the Performing and Visual Arts
Art Institute of Chicago 07/1994 - 08/1994
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Degree: Associate's Degree
Major:contemporary composition
Early College Summer Program
Moscow State Academic Art Institute (THE SURIKOV ART INSTITUTE IN MOSCOW) 10/1996 - 05/2002
Moscow, , Russia
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Fine Arts Portrait Painting
Minor:teaching/ Painting, oil & watercolor/ pencil
Six year of Fine Art disciplines, Art History, Art Composition/Installation; yearly artwork exhibition. Diploma “Six Portraits” with excellence mark.
The Institute of Contemporary Arts 10/2002 - 05/2003
Moscow, , Russia
Degree: Professional Degree
Major:Modern Traits in Art
Minor:Management in the Field of Visual Arts
Intensive course of Management in the Field of Visual Arts and Diploma project, by curator I. M. Buckstein, targeting contemporary visual arts. Specialized Training or Education or Certification

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
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