Pullman WA, US

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Software Engineer, Python Developer

  • Occupation: IT and Math

  • Degree: Master's Degree

  • Career Level: Entry Level

  • Languages:

Career Information:

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Skills:Python, Java, SQL, Git, JavaScript, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, C, REST APIs, JSON, XML, Jira, Redis, Postman

Goal:In the short-term, My goal as a software engineer is to gain a solid in-depth understanding of a particular tech stack and contribute to a companies ongoing project. I want to learn from my mentors and colleagues and build strong technical skills, experience and become a valuable member of a software engineering team. In the long-term, I aim to pursue a leadership then management path, where I would initially become a mentor to other engineers and help others grow and achieve their goals and finally be recognized as a thought leader in the software engineering community.


Software Engineering Intern 05/2022 - 11/2022
Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, Oregon United States
Industry: Manufacturing
At Intel, I worked as a admin on intel’s internal management tool, it is a database tool that is used for tracking records, or different properties of a project and it reports this data to a web based interface to display to the engineers. I also worked on public project called EdkRepo, which is a multi-repository tool built on top of git. It is intended to automate common developer workflows for projects that use more than one git repository.
• Wrote scripts employing HTTP requests and internal database query language to consolidate multiple internal defect tracking systems, improving efficiency of multi-functional development organization. • Rapidly developed 15 patch scripts to resolve business-critical issues in defect tracking system while exceeding deadlines to maintain stakeholder productivity • Refactored Githook scripts that reduced code duplication, reduced maintenance burden, Improved flexibility by enhancing the modularity and enable more customer control • Automated documentation process in internal project using comments in code through doxygen--
Software Development Intern 11/2020 - 02/2021
UnoBot Inc., Mumbai, Maharashtra India
Industry: Software
At Unobot.ai, I worked on the development of a consumer transmigration system. It is a web application that unifies all social media platdforms into a single portal where users can view all their mentions and hashtags all over the social media on a single platform.
• Designed REST APIs for usage of application to integrate various social media platforms • Integrated different mediums like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Android Play Store into the platform using APIs provided by respective platforms • Developed SQL triggers, functions & stored procedures, SQL queries and tuned PL/SQL queries using PL/SQL Developer • Migrated SQL queries to Django ORM to provide faster processing of data--


University of Mumbai 06/2015 - 05/2019
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Computer Engineering
Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming Methodology, Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms, Software Engineering, Structured Programming Approach, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems

Washington State University 01/2021 - 12/2022
Pullman, WA, United States
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:Computer Science
Relevant Coursework: Advanced Algorithms, Software Design & Architecture, Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Data Science, Neural Network Design and Application, Elements of Network Science, Graph Theory

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
  • Visa: -
  • Work Authorization: -
  • Expected Salary: -
  • Intests & Hobbies: -