Immigration Attorney Firms near Rutland, VT

1. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lisman, Webster and Leckerling, P.C.    802-864-5756   0 miles
84 Pine Street, 5th Floor P.O. Box 728, Rutland, VT 05402-0728
Practice Area: General Practice. Litigation in all State and Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies. Business Formation, Planning and Operation. Taxation. Securities. Intellectual Property. Personal Injury, Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers Compensation. Employment Discrimination. Family Law. Banking and Licensed Lending. Corporate. Public Utilities. Environmental. Real Estate. Financing and Development. Condominium, Timeshare and Resorts. Estate Planning, Probate. Bankruptcy. Immigration.

2. Immigration Attorney Firm: Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey and Goss, P.C.    802-671-4217   0 miles
71 Allen Street, Suite 401 P.O. Box 578, Rutland, VT 05702-0578
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Bankruptcy; Business Organizations; Civil and Complex Litigation; Construction Litigation; Condominium Law; Contracts; Creditor's Rights; Electric Power; Employment Law; Energy Regulation; Environmental Law; Environmental Litigation; Estate Planning; Family Law; Immigration and International Law; Insurance Litigation; Land Use Law; Legal Malpractice Defense; Municipal Bonds; Municipal Law; Personal Injury; Probate; Products Liability; Professional Malpractice; Public Service Law; Real Estate; Telecommunications; Taxation; Toxic Torts; Utility Law; Workouts; Zoning and Planning Law.

3. Immigration Attorney Firm: Primmer & Piper, Professional Corporation    802-223-2102   47.69 miles
100 East State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
Practice Area: Administrative, Banking, Captive Insurance, Commercial Litigation, Corporate, Employment, Environmental, Government Relations, Health Care, Insurance, Insurance Defense, Securities and Utility Law, ADR, Business Immigration.

4. Immigration Attorney Firm: Leslie A. Holman, PC    802-860-3333   60.95 miles
One Lawson Lane, Burlington, VT 05401
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization.

5. Immigration Attorney Firm: Gabel Law Firm    802-865-2300   60.95 miles
308 Main Street, P.O. Box 466, Burlington, VT 05402-0466
Practice Area: International Negotiations and Conflict Analysis, International Business Law, International Trade Law, Immigration and Naturalization, Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property Law, Labor and Employment Law.

6. Immigration Attorney Firm: Dinse, Knapp and McAndrew, P.C.    802-316-4755   60.95 miles
209 Battery Street P.O. Box 988, Burlington, VT 05402-0988
Practice Area: General Practice; Trusts And Estates; Health Care; Education Law; Litigation; Employment Law; Immigration Law.

7. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lisman, Webster and Leckerling, P.C.    802-864-5756   60.95 miles
84 Pine Street, 5th Floor P.O. Box 728, Burlington, VT 05402-0728
Practice Area: General Practice. Litigation in all State and Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies. Business Formation, Planning and Operation. Taxation. Securities. Intellectual Property. Personal Injury, Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers Compensation. Employment Discrimination. Family Law. Banking and Licensed Lending. Corporate. Public Utilities. Environmental. Real Estate. Financing and Development. Condominium, Timeshare and Resorts. Estate Planning, Probate. Bankruptcy. Immigration.

8. Immigration Attorney Firm: Carroll and Scribner, P.C.    802-862-2855   60.95 miles
84 Pine Street, Suite 300 P.O. Box 932, Burlington, VT 05402-0932
Practice Area: Immigration, Nationality, Consular, Corporate, Securities, Probate, Banking, Secured Lending, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Commercial, Land Use and Development, Civil Litigation in all courts.

9. Immigration Attorney Firm: Murphy Sullivan Kronk    802-316-4954   60.95 miles
275 College Street, Burlington, VT 05406-4485
Practice Area: Real Estate, Land Use, Business Law, Commercial Transactions, Telecommunications Law, Environmental Law, Solid Waste Disposal, Commercial Litigation, Appellate Practice, Immigration, Commercial Law, Commercial Banking, Commercial Loans, General Litigation, Real Estate Litigation, Construction Litigation, Real Estate Transactions.

10. Immigration Attorney Firm: Burak Anderson & Melloni, PLC    802-862-0500   60.95 miles
Gateway Square, 30 Main Street, P.O. Box 787, Burlington, VT 05402-0787
Practice Area: General Practice, Business, Administrative, Corporate, Securities, Real Estate, Banking, Bankruptcy, Litigation, Utilities, Municipal, Public Finance, Construction, Environmental, Land Use, Solid Waste and Disposal, Energy, Commercial Litigation, Lender Liability, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, International and Immigration, Antitrust and Trade Regulation.

11. Immigration Attorney Firm: Carroll & Scribner    802-862-2855   60.95 miles
84 Pine Street, Suite 300, P.O. Box 932, Burlington, VT 05402-0932
Practice Area: General Practice. Immigration, Nationality, Consular, Employment, Corporate, Securities, International, Probate, Banking, Secured Lending, Creditors' Rights, Public Finance, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Commercial, Land Use and Development, Civil Litigation in all courts.

12. Immigration Attorney Firm: Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC    802-863-2375   60.95 miles
199 Main Street, Courthouse Plaza, P.O. Box 190, Burlington, VT 05402-0190
Practice Area: General Practice. Banking and Insurance, Captive Insurance, International, Corporation, Taxation, Public Utility, Securities, Real Estate, Construction, Estates, Trusts, Probate, Legislative, Governmental, Administrative, Environmental, Employment and Labor Relations, Employee Benefits, Intellectual Property, Products Liability and Professional Liability Law. Trials in all State and Federal Courts.

13. Immigration Attorney Firm: Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew, P.C.    802-864-5751   60.95 miles
209 Battery Street, P.O. Box 988, Burlington, VT 05402-0988
Practice Area: General Practice

14. Immigration Attorney Firm: Paul, Frank & Collins, A Professional Corporation    802-658-2311   60.95 miles
One Church Street, P.O. Box 1307, Burlington, VT 05402-1307
Practice Area: General Civil Practice. Antitrust, Appellate, Banking, Bankruptcy, Captive Insurance, Civil Litigation, Construction, Corporate, Education, Employment, Entertainment, Environmental and Land Use, Estate Planning, Governmental, Health Care, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International, Pension and Profit Sharing, Personal Injury, Probate, Public Utility, Real Estate, Taxation, and Workers' Compensation law. Trials in all state and federal courts, as well as representation before state agencies.

15. Immigration Attorney Firm: Eggleston & Cramer, Ltd.    802-864-0880   60.95 miles
150 South Champlain Street, P.O. Box 1489, Burlington, VT 05402-1489
Practice Area: Trials in all State and Federal Courts. Administrative Law, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Banking, Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Collection, Construction, International, Taxation, Immigration, Copyright, Health Care, Real Estate, Legislative, Estate Planning, Employment, Environment, Trademark, Corporations and Public Utilities Law.

16. Immigration Attorney Firm: Bauer, Anderson & Gravel    802-863-5538   60.95 miles
40 College Street, Suite 100, P.O. Box 607, Burlington, VT 05402-0607
Practice Area: Business Law, Corporate Law, Municipal Law, Employment Law, Health Law, Real Estate, Probate Estates, Bankruptcy, Collections, Personal Injury, General Civil and Criminal Trials, Legislative and Administrative Representation, Workers Compensation and Medical Malpractice.

17. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lisman, Webster, Kirkpatrick & Leckerling, P.C.    802-864-5756   60.95 miles
84 Pine Street, P.O. Box 728, Burlington, VT 05402-0728
Practice Area: General Practice. Litigation in all State and Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies. Business Planning, Taxation, Securities, Personal Injury, Malpractice, Products Liability, Workers Compensation. Employment Discrimination, Family Law, Banking and Licensed Lending, Corporate, Public Utilities, Environmental, Real Estate, Financing and Development, Condominium, Timeshare and Resorts, Estate Planning, Probate, Bankruptcy and Immigration.

Our search egnine returns 25 Immigration Attorney Firms near Rutland, VT, which are sorted by the distance in ascending order from the center of Rutland, VT to the location of the firm. The distance is not driving distance or walking distance, but the straight distance on map, calculated using latitude and longitude. If the firms are located at the same city, the distance might returned as 0 miles.

For example, Immigration Attorney Lisman, Webster and Leckerling, P.C. is located at 84 Pine Street, 5th Floor P.O. Box 728, Rutland, VT. Its map distance to the center of Rutland, VT is 0 miles. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey and Goss, P.C. is located at 71 Allen Street, Suite 401 P.O. Box 578, Rutland, VT. Its map distance to the center of Rutland, VT is 0 miles. Primmer & Piper, Professional Corporation is located at 100 East State Street, Montpelier, VT. Its map distance to the center of Rutland, VT is 47.69 miles.

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