Immigration Attorney Firms near New York, NY
1. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Offices of Keshab Raj Seadie, P.C. 2125716002 0 miles |
246 West 38th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018 |
Practice Area: H-1B Visa, L-1 visa, E-2 Visa, E-3 and O-1 Visa along with PERM employment based green card such as EB-1 and NIW. We also have extensive experience in filing marriage and family based green cards. |
2. Immigration Attorney Firm: Gottfried & Gottfried, LLP. 6462187553 0 miles |
122 E 42nd Street, New York, NY 10175 |
Practice Area: U.S. Immigration |
3. Immigration Attorney Firm: Davidson Law Group 516-671-8187 0 miles |
5 West 37 St. Suite 628, New York, NY 10018 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
4. Immigration Attorney Firm: Teisha Powell Law Offices P.A 5619297229 0 miles |
228 Park Avenue S, New York, NY 10003 |
Practice Area: Immigration law |
5. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Office of Karin Wolman, PLLC 212-918-4940 0 miles |
48 Wall Street 11th Floor, New York, NY 10005 |
Practice Area: My practice is 100% devoted to US Immigration & Nationality Law, primarily business-based, with naturalization and some family matters as well. I do not handle removal/deportation or asylum cases. |
6. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Offices of Grinberg and Segal (212) 202-0342 0 miles |
11 Hanover Square, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10005 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law, Federal Court Practice, Intellectual Property Law, Bankruptcy Law, Personal Injury Law, Family Law |
7. Immigration Attorney Firm: Eiges & Orgel, PLLC (212) 233-2020 0 miles |
225 Broadway, Suite 1607, New York, NY 10007 |
Practice Area: Divorce; Immigration; Family Law; Alimony; Annulment; Cohabitation Agreements; Collaborative Family Law; Community Property Law; Divorce Arbitration; Divorce Mediation; Divorce Taxation; Domestic Partnerships; Domestic Relations; Equitable Distribution; Domestic Torts; Family Arbitration; Family Mediation; International Family Law; Legal Separation Agreements; Interstate Support; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law; Matrimonial Law; Military Divorce; Name Changes; No Fault Divorce; Non-Traditional Family Law; Palimony; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Restraining Orders; Spousal Support; Uncontested Divorce; Child Custody; Children; Child Custody Mediation; Child Support; Fathers Rights; Grandparents Custody; Grandparents Visitation Rights; Parental Kidnapping; Asylum; Business Immigration; Immigration and Naturalization; Citizenship; Consular Law; Deportation; Employment Authorizations; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Immigration Discrimination; Immigration Law; Investor Visas; Labor Certifications; Permanent Visas; Political Asylum; Refugee Law; Religious Visas; Removal Proceedings; Visas. |
8. Immigration Attorney Firm: Fuller and Fuller LLP 212-317-0700 0 miles |
845 Third Avenue, Suite 1700, New York, NY 10022-6601 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Citizenship Law and Consular Practice. |
9. Immigration Attorney Firm: Daniel Aharoni and Partners LLP 212-605-0352 0 miles |
575 Madison Avenue, Suite 1006, New York, NY 10022 |
Practice Area: Immigration, Visas , and Business Immigration for Extraordinary Ability Artists, Entertainers, New Media, Technology, Computer, Athletes, Scientists, Educators. |
10. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Office of Mahendra Ramgopal 888-946-8926 0 miles |
1220 Broadway, Suite 502, New York, NY 10001 |
Practice Area: Immigration And Naturalization; Immigration Law; Consular Law; Commercial Law; Criminal Law; Entertainment Law. |
11. Immigration Attorney Firm: The Law Offices of Jason Karavias, Esq. 866-416-9272 0 miles |
Investment Building 239 4th Avenue, Suite 1603, New York, NY 15222 |
Practice Area: Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Consumer Bankruptcy; Personal Bankruptcy; Foreclosures; Immigration; Green Cards; Green Card by Marriage; Green Card for Children; Green Card for Parents; Citizenship; Fiance Visa; Family Immigration Law; Permanent Visas; US Citizenship; Family Law; Divorce; Child Support; Child Custody; Prenuptial Agreement; Postnuptial Agreement; Debtor and Creditor. |
12. Immigration Attorney Firm: Salmen Navarro and Lavergne, P.C. 347-380-7239 0 miles |
501 Fifth Avenue, Suite 903, New York, NY 10017-6107 |
Practice Area: Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Business Formation; Business Law; Business Litigation; Contracts; Entertainment Law; Immigration; Intellectual Property; Real Estate; Residential Real Estate. |
13. Immigration Attorney Firm: Khan and Yau PC 877-712-1599 0 miles |
415 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10017-1111 |
Practice Area: Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Bankruptcy Chapter 13; Divorce Mediation; Divorce; Gay and Lesbian Family Law; Legal Separation Agreements; No Fault Divorce; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Uncontested Divorce; Child Custody; Adoption Law; Residential Real Estate Acquisitions; Adult Guardianship; Advance Directives; Elder Guardianship; Incompetency Proceedings; Citizenship; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Religious Visas; Living Wills; Wills; Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children; Estate Planning for the Elderly; Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples; Family Trusts; Living Trusts; Powers of Attorney; Special Needs Trusts; Probate. |
14. Immigration Attorney Firm: Kilpatrick Townsend and Stockton LLP 212-775-8700, 212-775-8800 0 miles |
31 West 52nd Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10019 |
Practice Area: General Practice including Civil, Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. Alternative Dispute Resolution, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Arbitration and Mediation, Aviation, Banking, Business Transactions, Charitable Foundations, Communications, Construction Law, Copyright, Corporations, Creditors' Rights, Criminal Defense and Special Matters, Employee Benefits, Entertainment, Environmental and Natural Resources, Finance, Financial Restructuring, Franchising, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Health Care, Health and Life Sciences, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International Arbitration, International Business, Labor and Employment, Latin American, Litigation, Medical Malpractice Defense, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal Finance, Patent, Patent Litigation, Probate, Products Liability Litigation, Public Utility, Real Estate, Securities, Taxation, Technology, Trademark, Trust and Estates, and Unfair Competition. |
15. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Office of Heidi J. Meyers 212-791-4007 0 miles |
Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, Suite 801, New York, NY 10279-0001 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law; Immigration and Naturalization; Asylum; Business Immigration; Citizenship; Consular Law; Deportation; Employment Authorizations; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Investor Visas; Labor Certifications; Permanent Visas; Political Asylum; Refugee Law; Religious Visas; Removal Proceedings; Visas; H-1B; L-1A; L-1B; E-1; E-2; Federal Immigration; Federal Civil Practice; O-1; O-2; P-1; P-2; P-3; R-1; R-2; R-3; Fashion; IT; Engineering; Architecture; Hospitality; PERM; Treaty Trader; Outstanding Ability; F-1; Green Card; Fiance Visa ; Export Control Regulation. |
16. Immigration Attorney Firm: Freeman, Nooter and Ginsberg 212-608-0808 0 miles |
The Underwood Building 30 Vesey Street, Suite 100, New York, NY 10007-2914 |
Practice Area: Criminal Defense (Trials and Appeals, Federal and State); White Collar Defense (including securities, wire, mail, bank, tax and computer frauds); Administrative Law (Attorney and Physician Disciplinary Actions); Immigration Litigation. |
17. Immigration Attorney Firm: The Law Office of Matthew L. Guadagno 347-947-6315 0 miles |
350 Broadway, Suite 404, New York, NY 10013 |
Practice Area: Deportation Defense; Board of Immigration Appeals Cases; Petitions for Review; Consequences of a Plea Agreement; Mandamus Actions; Detention Cases; Criminal Immigration; Citizenship; Adjustment of Status; Asylum; Joint Motions to Reopen; Deferred Actions. |
18. Immigration Attorney Firm: Raiser and Kenniff, PC 646-358-4621, 516-742-7618 0 miles |
87 Walker Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013 |
Practice Area: Criminal Process; Misdemeanor; Felonies; Driving While Intoxicated; Assault; Petit Larceny; Traffic; Orders of Protection; Domestic Violence; Drug Crimes; Immigration; Appeals; Sex Crimes; Internet Crimes. |
19. Immigration Attorney Firm: Walker and Associates, PC (Ron Walker, Cynthia Nunez) 313-964-2240 0 miles |
The Ford Building 615 Griswold Street, Suite 1609, New York, NY 48226-3900 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law, International Law. |
20. Immigration Attorney Firm: Law Offices of Rong T. Kohtz 212-859-5031 0 miles |
110 Wall Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10005-3817 |
Practice Area: Family Law; Divorce, Separation and Annulment; Child Custody, Parenting Arrangements and Child Support; Maintenance, Spousal Support, Alimony; Property Division; International Family Law Disputes Resolution and Litigation; Prenuptial Agreement, Postnuptial Agreement, Separation Agreement; Enforcing or Modifying Judgments, Court Orders or Agreements; International Litigation; Immigration; Immigration based on Family, Employment or Investment; Wills and Estate Planning; Private Adoption; Guardianship. |
21. Immigration Attorney Firm: Mona Shah and Associates 866-709-9664, 212-233-4877 0 miles |
299 Broadway, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10007 |
Practice Area: Deportation; Divorce; Family Law; Green Cards; Litigation; U.K. Immigration Law; Corporate; EB-5 Investment Matters; Asylum; Naturalization; U.S. Immigration Law (Family & Employment). |
22. Immigration Attorney Firm: Khan and Yau PC 877-712-1599 0 miles |
415 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10017-1111 |
Practice Area: Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Bankruptcy Chapter 13; Divorce Mediation; Divorce; Gay and Lesbian Family Law; Legal Separation Agreements; No Fault Divorce; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Uncontested Divorce; Child Custody; Adoption Law; Residential Real Estate Acquisitions; Adult Guardianship; Advance Directives; Elder Guardianship; Incompetency Proceedings; Citizenship; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Religious Visas; Living Wills; Wills; Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children; Estate Planning for the Elderly; Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples; Family Trusts; Living Trusts; Powers of Attorney; Special Needs Trusts; Probate. |
23. Immigration Attorney Firm: Greenberg Traurig, LLP 212-801-9200, 212-801-6400 0 miles |
MetLife Building 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law, Admiralty Law, Agricultural Law, Aircraft Finance and Leasing, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Americans with Disabilities Act, Antitrust, Appellate Practice, Arbitration, Aviation Law, Bankruptcy, Banks and Banking, Biotechnology, Broadcasting Law, Brownfields Redevelopment, Business Immigration, Business Law, Class Action Defense, Commercial Litigation, Communications Law, Constitutional Law, Construction Law, Consumer Finance, Copyrights, Corporate Governance, Corporate Law, Customs and International Trade, Education Law, Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation, Energy, Entertainment Law, Environmental Law, ERISA, FCC Licensing, FCC Regulation, Federal Government Law, Federal Legislative Law, Finance, Financial Institutions Law, Franchises and Franchising, Gaming Law, Government Affairs, Government Contracts, Governmental Law, Health Care, Immigration Law, Indians and Native Populations, Information Technology, Insurance Coverage, Intellectual Property, International Business Law, International Trade, Joint Ventures, Labor and Employment, Land Use, Legislative Practice, Litigation, Lobbying, Maritime Law, Mediation, Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures, Mining Law, Motion Pictures and Television, Multimedia Law, Music Law, Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations, Oil and Gas Law, Partnership Law, Patents, Privatization, Probate, Public Finance, Public Infrastructure, Public Utility Law, Railroad Law, Real Estate, Regulatory Law, R |
24. Immigration Attorney Firm: Labe M. Richman 212-227-1914 0 miles |
305 Broadway, Suite 100, New York, NY 10007 |
Practice Area: Criminal Defense, Criminal Appeals, Securities Fraud, Drug Crimes, Drug Possession, Extradition, Immigration, Fraud, Weapons Charges, Post Conviction Remedies, Federal Crimes, Murder. |
25. Immigration Attorney Firm: Pavia and Harcourt LLP 212-980-3500 0 miles |
590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022 |
Practice Area: General Practice. Corporate, Corporate Finance, Banking, Litigation and Arbitration, Real Estate, Franchising and Licensing, Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment, Tax, Estate Planning and Administration and Immigration. |
Our search egnine returns 25 Immigration Attorney Firms near New York, NY, which are sorted by the distance in ascending order from the center of New York, NY to the location of the firm. The distance is not driving distance or walking distance, but the straight distance on map, calculated using latitude and longitude. If the firms are located at the same city, the distance might returned as 0 miles.
For example, Immigration Attorney Law Offices of Keshab Raj Seadie, P.C. is located at 246 West 38th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY. Its map distance to the center of New York, NY is 0 miles. Gottfried & Gottfried, LLP. is located at 122 E 42nd Street, New York, NY. Its map distance to the center of New York, NY is 0 miles. Davidson Law Group is located at 5 West 37 St. Suite 628, New York, NY. Its map distance to the center of New York, NY is 0 miles.