Immigration Attorney Firms near Bangor, ME
1. Immigration Attorney Firm: Eaton Peabody 207-947-0111 0 miles |
Bank of America Building 80 Exchange Street P.O. Box 1210, Bangor, ME 04402-1210 |
Practice Area: Business Law, Commercial Finance, Cross Border Transactions, Economic Development, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Environmental and Land Use, Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Legislative and Government Relations, Litigation/Dispute Resolution, Municipal Law and Finance, Natural Resources and Timberlands, Real Estate, Tax. |
2. Immigration Attorney Firm: Rudman and Winchell 207-947-4501 0 miles |
84 Harlow Street P.O. Box 1401, Bangor, ME 04402-1401 |
Practice Area: Acquisitions and Divestitures, Administrative Law, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Arbitration, Asset Protection, Aviation, Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial, Construction, Contracts, Copyrights, Corporate, Criminal Law, Dispute Resolution, Education, Elder Law, Employee Benefits, Energy, Environmental, Equine Law, Equipment Finance and Leasing, Family Law, Finance, Franchises and Franchising, General Practice, Hospital, Immigration, Insurance, International Trade, Labor and Employment, Leases and Leasing, Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Medicare and Medicaid, Mergers, Municipal, Negligence, OSHA, Probate, Real Estate, Regulatory Law, School Law, Securities, Taxation, Trade Secrets, Trademarks and Patents, Trusts and Estates, Unfair Competition, Utilities, Wills, Workers' Compensation, Zoning and Land Use. |
3. Immigration Attorney Firm: Eaton Peabody 207-947-0111 0 miles |
Fleet Center-Exchange Street, P.O. Box 1210, Bangor, ME 04402-1210 |
Practice Area: General civil practice including, administrative law, agricultural law, antitrust, banking and commercial law, international trade, business planning, Canadian - American cross border trade, business reorganization and bankruptcy, copyright and trademarks, corporate advice, defamation and first amendment representation, estate planning and probate administration, healthcare, intellectual property, trade and immigration law, labor and employment law, OSHA and employee benefits, legislative services, land use and development, litigation in state and federal courts, municipal law and zoning, natural resources and environmental law, real estate and timberlands, securities and bond financing, state and federal taxation, trusts, workers compensation and e-commerce Law. |
4. Immigration Attorney Firm: Rudman & Winchell, LLC 207-947-4501 0 miles |
84 Harlow Street, P.O. Box 1401, Bangor, ME 04402-1401 |
Practice Area: General Practice, Corporate Law, Municipal, Labor and Employment, Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures, Administrative Law, Asset Protection, Education Law, Commercial Law, Contracts, Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents, Employee Benefits, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Elder Law, Medicare and Medicaid and Probate, Real Estate, Banking, Bankruptcy, Negligence, Medical Malpractice, Insurance, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Energy, Environmental Law, OSHA, Immigration, Family Law, Equipment Finance and Leasing, Finance, Franchises and Franchising, Aviation, Construction Law, Hospital Law, International Trade, Leases and Leasing, Regulatory Law, Securities, Taxation, Trade Secrets, Unfair Competition, Utility Law, Zoning and Land Use, Criminal Law. |
5. Immigration Attorney Firm: Farrell, Rosenblatt & Russell 207-990-3314 0 miles |
61 Main Street, Suite 1, P.O. Box 738, Bangor, ME 04402-0738 |
Practice Area: General Civil Trial Practice in State and Federal Courts. Real Estate, Probate, Administrative, Zoning, Municipal, Environmental, Immigration, Insurance, Employment, Corporate, Criminal, Bankruptcy, Family, Business and Commercial Law. |
6. Immigration Attorney Firm: Verrill Dana LLP 207-623-3889, 207-622-3117 59.61 miles |
45 Memorial Circle, Augusta, ME 04332-5307 |
Practice Area: General Practice. Administrative, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Banking, Bankruptcy and Reorganization, Business Planning, Charitable Giving, Civil Litigation, College and University Law, Commercial, Commercial Lending, Construction, Copyright, Corporate, Criminal, Environmental and Natural Resources, Estate Planning and Estate Administration, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Finance, Health Care, Immigration, Intellectual Property, International, Labor and Employment, Land Use and Zoning, Legislative, Lobbying, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal and Corporate Finance, Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Organizations, Patent, Partnerships, Probate, Real Estate, Regulatory, Securities, Sports, Tax, Technology, Trademark, Trusts and Estates, Utilities and Energy, Wills and Probate, Workers' Compensation and Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. |
7. Immigration Attorney Firm: Pierce Atwood LLP 207-622-6311, 207-623-9367 59.61 miles |
77 Winthrop Street, Augusta, ME 04330 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Antitrust And Trade Regulation; Aquaculture; Banking Law; Bankruptcy; Reorganization; Bids; Bidding; Biotechnology; Business Planning; Charitable Organizations; Civil Law; Complex Litigation; Commercial Law; Construction Law; Consumer Credit; Contracts; Copyrights; Corporate Law; Creditors' Rights; Discrimination; Education Law; Employee Benefits; Executive Compensation; Employee Retirement Services; Energy; Environmental Law; Natural Resources; Erisa; Estate Planning; Foreclosures; Franchising; Health Care; Hydropower; Immigration Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labor And Employment; Land Use; Zoning Law; Legislative Practice; Lender Liability; Lobbying; Mergers And Acquisitions; Municipal Bonds; Corporate Finance; Patents; Personal Injury; Probate; Products Liability; Public Utility Law; Railroads; Real Estate; Resort; Hospitality Law; Secured Lending; Securities; State Government Law; Federal Taxation; Trust Law; Fidelity And Surety; Technology Law; Telecommunications Law; Trade Regulation; Trademarks; Estate Administration; Utilities; Utility Privatization; Utility Reorganizations; Venture Capital; White Collar Defense; Wills; Trusts; Trial Practice; Appellate Practice. |
8. Immigration Attorney Firm: Perkins Thompson 888-339-9034 59.61 miles |
One Canal Plaza P.O. Box 426, Augusta, ME 04112-0426 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Admiralty And Maritime Law; Advertising Law; Affordable Housing; Agricultural Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Antitrust And Trade Regulation; Banking Law; Bankruptcy; Business Law; Commercial Law; Commercial Real Estate; Condominium Law; Conservation Easements; Constitutional Law; Construction Law; Consumer Law; Contracts; Copyrights; Corporate Finance; Corporate Law; Corporate Taxation; Creditors Rights; Criminal Law; Debtor And Creditor; Education Law; Election Campaign; Political Law; Eminent Domain; Employee Benefits; Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Employment Immigration; Environmental Law; Erisa; Estate Planning; Family Law; Franchises And Franchising; Government Relations; Health Care; Immigration Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; International Trade; Internet Law; Labor And Employment; Landlord And Tenant Law; Lease; Leasing; Like Kind Exchanges; Litigation; Lobbying; Mergers And Acquisitions; Natural Resources; Occupational Safety And Health; Osha; Partnership Law; Personal Injury; Probate; Products Liability; Real Estate; Real Estate Foreclosure; Secured Transactions; Taxation; Toxic Torts; Trademarks; Trusts And Estates; Uniform Commercial Code; Wills; Planning Law; Land Use. |
9. Immigration Attorney Firm: Brann & Isaacson 207-786-3566 86.1 miles |
184 Main Street, P.O. Box 3070, Lewiston, ME 04243-3070 |
Practice Area: General Practice. Corporate, State and Federal Taxation, Real Estate, Agricultural, Public Utilities, Administrative Law, Labor, Employment Law, Construction, Antitrust, Trade Regulation, International, Intellectual Property, Estate Planning and Probate Law, Banking Law, Constitutional Law, Business Torts, Complex Litigation, Government Contracts, Appeals, Arbitration. |
10. Immigration Attorney Firm: Perkins Thompson 888-339-9034 108.9 miles |
One Canal Plaza P.O. Box 426, Portland, ME 04112-0426 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Admiralty And Maritime Law; Advertising Law; Affordable Housing; Agricultural Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Antitrust And Trade Regulation; Banking Law; Bankruptcy; Business Law; Commercial Law; Commercial Real Estate; Condominium Law; Conservation Easements; Constitutional Law; Construction Law; Consumer Law; Contracts; Copyrights; Corporate Finance; Corporate Law; Corporate Taxation; Creditors Rights; Criminal Law; Debtor And Creditor; Education Law; Election Campaign; Political Law; Eminent Domain; Employee Benefits; Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Employment Immigration; Environmental Law; Erisa; Estate Planning; Family Law; Franchises And Franchising; Government Relations; Health Care; Immigration Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; International Trade; Internet Law; Labor And Employment; Landlord And Tenant Law; Lease; Leasing; Like Kind Exchanges; Litigation; Lobbying; Mergers And Acquisitions; Natural Resources; Occupational Safety And Health; Osha; Partnership Law; Personal Injury; Probate; Products Liability; Real Estate; Real Estate Foreclosure; Secured Transactions; Taxation; Toxic Torts; Trademarks; Trusts And Estates; Uniform Commercial Code; Wills; Planning Law; Land Use. |
11. Immigration Attorney Firm: Pierce Atwood LLP 207-791-1100, 207-791-1350 108.9 miles |
One Monument Square, Portland, ME 04101 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Antitrust And Trade Regulation; Aquaculture; Banking Law; Bankruptcy; Reorganization; Bids; Bidding; Biotechnology; Business Planning; Charitable Organizations; Civil Law; Complex Litigation; Commercial Law; Construction Law; Consumer Credit; Contracts; Copyrights; Corporate Law; Creditors' Rights; Discrimination; Education Law; Employee Benefits; Executive Compensation; Employee Retirement Services; Energy; Environmental Law; Natural Resources; Erisa; Estate Planning; Foreclosures; Franchising; Health Care; Hydropower; Immigration Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labor And Employment; Land Use; Zoning Law; Legislative Practice; Lender Liability; Lobbying; Mergers And Acquisitions; Municipal Bonds; Corporate Finance; Patents; Personal Injury; Probate; Products Liability; Public Utility Law; Railroads; Real Estate; Resort; Hospitality Law; Secured Lending; Securities; State Government Law; Federal Taxation; Trust Law; Fidelity And Surety; Technology Law; Telecommunications Law; Trade Regulation; Trademarks; Estate Administration; Utilities; Utility Privatization; Utility Reorganizations; Venture Capital; White Collar Defense; Wills; Trusts; Trial Practice; Appellate Practice. |
12. Immigration Attorney Firm: Verrill Dana LLP 207-774-4000, 207-774-7499 108.9 miles |
One Portland Square P.O. Box 586, Portland, ME 04112-0586 |
Practice Area: General Practice. Administrative, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Banking, Bankruptcy and Reorganization, Business Planning, Charitable Giving, Civil Litigation, College and University Law, Commercial, Commercial Lending, Construction, Copyright, Corporate, Criminal, Environmental and Natural Resources, Estate Planning and Estate Administration, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Finance, Health Care, Immigration, Intellectual Property, International, Labor and Employment, Land Use and Zoning, Legislative, Lobbying, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal and Corporate Finance, Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Organizations, Patent, Partnerships, Probate, Real Estate, Regulatory, Securities, Sports, Tax, Technology, Trademark, Trusts and Estates, Utilities and Energy, Wills and Probate, Workers' Compensation and Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. |
13. Immigration Attorney Firm: Fisher and Phillips LLP 207-774-6001, 207-775-6407 108.9 miles |
400 Congress Street, 4th Floor, Portland, ME 04112-7250 |
Practice Area: Labor and Employment Law; Labor Relations; Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA); Immigration and Naturalization; Noncompetition and Non-Solicitation; Pension and Benefits; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Arbitration; Breach of Contract; COBRA; Civil Rights; Collective Bargaining; Class Actions; Employee Benefits; Employment Discrimination; ERISA; Harassment; Reductions in Force; Risk Management; Sexual Harassment; Trade Secrets; Wage and Hour; Whistleblower Litigation; Wrongful Termination. |
14. Immigration Attorney Firm: Graves and Doyle 617-542-6400 108.9 miles |
77 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor, Portland, ME 02110 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law, Immigration and Naturalization, Business Immigration, Family Immigration Law, Visas, Immigration Litigation. |
15. Immigration Attorney Firm: Verrill & Dana, LLP 207-774-4000 108.9 miles |
One Portland Square, Portland, ME 04112-0586 |
Practice Area: General Practice. Administrative, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Banking, Bankruptcy and Reorganization, Business Planning, Charitable Giving, Civil Litigation, College and University Law, Commercial, Commercial Lending, Construction, Copyright, Corporate, Criminal, Environmental and Natural Resources, Estate Planning and Estate Administration, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Finance, Health Care, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International, Labor and Employment, Land Use and Zoning, Legislative, Lobbying, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal and Corporate Finance, Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Organizations, Patent, Partnerships, Probate, Real Estate, Regulatory, Retail, Securities, Sports, Tax, Technology, Trademark, Trusts and Estates, Utilities and Energy, Wills and Probate, Workers' Compensation and Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. |
16. Immigration Attorney Firm: Pierce Atwood 207-791-1100 108.9 miles |
One Monument Square, Portland, ME 04101 |
Practice Area: Administrative, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Aquaculture, Banking, Bankruptcy and Reorganization, Bids and Bidding, Biotechnology, Business Planning, Charitable Organizations, Civil and Complex Litigation, Commercial, Construction, Consumer Credit, Contracts, Copyright, Corporate, Creditors' Rights, Discrimination, Education, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Employee Retirement Services, Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources, ERISA, Estate Planning, Foreclosures, Franchising, Health Care, Hydropower, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Land Use & Zoning, Legislative, Lender Liability, Lobbying, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal and Corporate Finance, Patent, Personal Injury, Probate, Products Liability, Public Utilities, Railroads, Real Estate, Resort and Hospitality, Secured Lending, Securities, State and Federal Taxation and Trust, Surety, Technology, Telecommunications, Trade Regulation, Trademark, Trust and Estate Administration, Utilities Litigation, Utility Privatization, Utility Reorganizations, White Collar Defense, Wills and Trusts, Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. |
17. Immigration Attorney Firm: Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson, P.A. 207-774-1200 108.9 miles |
100 Middle Street, P.O. Box 9729, Portland, ME 04104-5029 |
Practice Area: General Civil Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial Transactions, Construction, Corporate, Employment, Energy, Environmental, Estate Planning, Federal and State Taxation, Finance (Private and Public), Health Care, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International, Labor, Legislative and Public Policy, Media, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal, Personal Injury, Probate, Products Liability, Real Estate, Regulatory, Securities, School, College and University Law, Technology, Trials, Utilities. |
18. Immigration Attorney Firm: Perkins, Thompson, Hinckley & Keddy, P.A. 207-774-2635 108.9 miles |
One Canal Plaza, P.O. Box 426, Portland, ME 04112-0426 |
Practice Area: Administrative Law, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Advertising Law, Affordable Housing, Agricultural Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Banking Law, Bankruptcy, Business Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Real Estate, Condominium Law, Conservation Easements, Constitutional Law, Construction Law, Consumer Law, Contracts, Copyrights, Corporate Finance, Corporate Law, Corporate Taxation, Creditors Rights, Criminal Law, Debtor and Creditor, Education Law, Election Campaign and Political, Eminent Domain, Employee Benefits, Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Employment Immigration, Entertainment and Sports, Environmental Law, ERISA, Estate Planning, Family Law, Finance, Forest Products Law, Franchises and Franchising, Government Relations, Health Care, Immigration Law, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International Trade, Internet Law, Labor and Employment, Landlord and Tenant Law, Lease and Leasing, Like Kind Exchanges, Litigation, Lobbying, Marketing Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Natural Resources, Occupational Safety and Health, OSHA, Partnership Law, Personal Injury, Probate, Products Liability, Real Estate, Real Estate Foreclosure, Secured Transactions, Taxation, Toxic Torts, Trademarks, Trusts and Estates, Uniform Commercial Code, Wills and Probate, Zoning, Planning and Land Use. |
19. Immigration Attorney Firm: Kelly, Remmel & Zimmerman 207-775-1020 108.9 miles |
53 Exchange Street, P.O. Box 597, Portland, ME 04112 |
Practice Area: General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Labor, Admiralty, Bankruptcy, Banking, Commercial, Probate, Corporate, Administrative, Insurance, Malpractice, Product Liability and Personal Injury Law, Health Care. |
20. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lambert Coffin 207-874-4000 108.9 miles |
14th Floor, 477 Congress Street, P.O. Box 15215, Portland, ME 04112-5215 |
Practice Area: General Practice before all State and Federal Courts and Agencies. Administrative, Antitrust & Trade Regulation, Appellate Practice, Banking and Finance, Bankruptcy, Business Law, Civil Rights, Commercial, Communications, Construction, Contracts, Corporate, Education, Employee Benefits, Environmental Law, Government, Health and Hospital Law, Housing, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Legal Malpractice, Litigation, Lobbying, Medical Malpractice, Mergers and Acquisitions, Natural Resources, Occupational Safety, Personal Injury and Tort, Probate Trusts & Estates, Product Liability, Professional Liability, Real Estate, Taxation, Technology & Science, Toxic Torts, Trademarks, White Collar Criminal Defense, Workers' Compensation, Zoning, Planning and Land Use. |
21. Immigration Attorney Firm: Cooper and Bull 888-342-9750 111.4 miles |
850 Main Street, Westbrook, ME 04092-2885 |
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Bankruptcy; Debt Relief; Business Law; Corporate Law; Criminal Representation; Family Law; Immigration Law; Litigation; Dispute Resolution Litigation; Real Estate; Wills; Trusts and Estates. |
22. Immigration Attorney Firm: York Law LLC 207-363-5208 147.2 miles |
16A Woodbridge Road P.O. Box 545, South Berwick, ME 03909-0545 |
Practice Area: Real Estate Law, Family Law, Business Planning, Litigation, Estate Planning and Probate, Adoptions, Appellate Practice, Automobile Accidents, Breach of Contract, Business Enterprises, Business Formation, Child Custody, Child Support, Civil Litigation, Collections, Drug Crimes, Elder Law, Estate Litigation, Estate and Gift Taxation, Felonies, General Practice, Guardianship and Conservatorship, Homeowners Association Law, Immigration, Motorcycle Accidents, Parole and Probation, Personal Injury, Premarital Agreements, Residential Real Estate, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Slip and Fall, Spousal Support, Assault, Child Abuse and Neglect, Conveyancing, Drivers License Suspension, Fathers Rights, Inheritance, Legal Separation, Prisoners Rights, Property Damage, Restraining Orders, Commercial Litigation, Condominium Law, Construction Defects, Construction Law, Corporate Law, Creditors Rights, Criminal Law, DUI/DWI, Debtor and Creditor, Divorce, Dog Bites, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Law, Landlord and Tenant Law, Mediation, Misdemeanors, Theft, Trademarks, Traffic Violations, Trucking Accidents, Trusts and Estates, Visitation Rights, Weapons Charges, Will, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Family Mediation. |
Our search egnine returns 25 Immigration Attorney Firms near Bangor, ME, which are sorted by the distance in ascending order from the center of Bangor, ME to the location of the firm. The distance is not driving distance or walking distance, but the straight distance on map, calculated using latitude and longitude. If the firms are located at the same city, the distance might returned as 0 miles.
For example, Immigration Attorney Eaton Peabody is located at Bank of America Building 80 Exchange Street P.O. Box 1210, Bangor, ME. Its map distance to the center of Bangor, ME is 0 miles. Rudman and Winchell is located at 84 Harlow Street P.O. Box 1401, Bangor, ME. Its map distance to the center of Bangor, ME is 0 miles. Eaton Peabody is located at Fleet Center-Exchange Street, P.O. Box 1210, Bangor, ME. Its map distance to the center of Bangor, ME is 0 miles.