Immigration Attorney: Brian Buie 918-615-2616, 918-254-1414 0 miles |
Address: 4444 East 66th Street, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74136 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization(100%) |
Admitted: 2010, Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa Law, J.D. |
More About Brian Buie |
Immigration Attorney: Mark Leblang 918-615-2616, 918-254-1414 0 miles |
Address: 4444 East 66th Street, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74136 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization |
Admitted: 1977, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma; U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1977 |
More About Mark Leblang |
Immigration Attorney: Rohit Sharma 918-398-0327 0 miles |
Address: 403 South Cheyenne Suite 1200, Tulsa, OK 74103 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law; Business Organization; Business Transactions; Securities Litigation; Estate Planning; Securities Arbitration; Divorce |
Admitted: 2003, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. Tax Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuits |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 2002 |
More About Rohit Sharma |
Immigration Attorney: R. McAtee 918-746-4332 0 miles |
Address: 1115 South Cincinnati, Tulsa, OK 74119 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Insurance; Workers Compensation |
Admitted: 1983, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1983 |
More About R. McAtee |
Immigration Attorney: D. Ikenberry 918-583-1111 0 miles |
Address: 125 West Third Street, Tulsa, OK 74103 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1983, Oklahoma, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma; 1985, Virginia and U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit |
Law School: Oral Roberts University, J.D., cum laude, 1983 |
More About D. Ikenberry |
Immigration Attorney: R. Solano 918-362-0080 0 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 210, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Civil Rights; Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1981, Pennsylvania; 1985, Oklahoma |
Law School: Union University, Albany Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1981 |
More About R. Solano |
Immigration Attorney: James Erwin 918-582-1716 0 miles |
Address: 2150 Mid-Continent Tower, 401 South Boston Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74103-4009 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1997, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas; U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., with honors, 1997 |
More About James Erwin |
Immigration Attorney: Judith Ashbaugh 918-254-1414 0 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1991, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Western and Eastern Districts of Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1990 |
More About Judith Ashbaugh |
Immigration Attorney: Mark Leblang 918-254-1414 0 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1977, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma and U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1977 |
More About Mark Leblang |
Immigration Attorney: David Senger 918-254-1414 0 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Business Law; Commercial Law; Corporate Law; Immigration; Wills And Probate |
Admitted: 2000, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 2000 |
More About David Senger |
Immigration Attorney: Karri Payne 918-599-0700 0 miles |
Address: 111 West 5th Street, Suite 500, Tulsa, OK 74103-4259 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1992, Texas. (Admitted in Texas; Not admitted in Oklahoma) |
Law School: Texas Tech University School of Law, J.D., 1992 |
More About Karri Payne |
Immigration Attorney: Brian Buie 918-615-2616, 918-254-1414 9.19 miles |
Address: 4444 East 66th Street, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74136 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization(100%) |
Admitted: 2010, Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa Law, J.D. |
More About Brian Buie |
Immigration Attorney: Mark Leblang 918-615-2616, 918-254-1414 9.19 miles |
Address: 4444 East 66th Street, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74136 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization |
Admitted: 1977, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma; U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1977 |
More About Mark Leblang |
Immigration Attorney: Rohit Sharma 918-398-0327 9.19 miles |
Address: 403 South Cheyenne Suite 1200, Tulsa, OK 74103 |
Practice Area: Immigration Law; Business Organization; Business Transactions; Securities Litigation; Estate Planning; Securities Arbitration; Divorce |
Admitted: 2003, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. Tax Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuits |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 2002 |
More About Rohit Sharma |
Immigration Attorney: R. McAtee 918-746-4332 9.19 miles |
Address: 1115 South Cincinnati, Tulsa, OK 74119 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Insurance; Workers Compensation |
Admitted: 1983, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1983 |
More About R. McAtee |
Immigration Attorney: D. Ikenberry 918-583-1111 9.19 miles |
Address: 125 West Third Street, Tulsa, OK 74103 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1983, Oklahoma, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma; 1985, Virginia and U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit |
Law School: Oral Roberts University, J.D., cum laude, 1983 |
More About D. Ikenberry |
Immigration Attorney: R. Solano 918-362-0080 9.19 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 210, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Civil Rights; Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1981, Pennsylvania; 1985, Oklahoma |
Law School: Union University, Albany Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1981 |
More About R. Solano |
Immigration Attorney: James Erwin 918-582-1716 9.19 miles |
Address: 2150 Mid-Continent Tower, 401 South Boston Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74103-4009 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment |
Admitted: 1997, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas; U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., with honors, 1997 |
More About James Erwin |
Immigration Attorney: Judith Ashbaugh 918-254-1414 9.19 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1991, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern, Western and Eastern Districts of Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1990 |
More About Judith Ashbaugh |
Immigration Attorney: Mark Leblang 918-254-1414 9.19 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1977, Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma and U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 1977 |
More About Mark Leblang |
Immigration Attorney: David Senger 918-254-1414 9.19 miles |
Address: 7615 East 63rd Place, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74133 |
Practice Area: Business Law; Commercial Law; Corporate Law; Immigration; Wills And Probate |
Admitted: 2000, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, Northern, Eastern and Western Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit |
Law School: University of Tulsa, J.D., 2000 |
More About David Senger |
Immigration Attorney: Karri Payne 918-599-0700 9.19 miles |
Address: 111 West 5th Street, Suite 500, Tulsa, OK 74103-4259 |
Practice Area: Immigration |
Admitted: 1992, Texas. (Admitted in Texas; Not admitted in Oklahoma) |
Law School: Texas Tech University School of Law, J.D., 1992 |
More About Karri Payne |
Immigration Attorney: Deborah Hoover Hupfer 405-551-8937, 405-232-2749 99.33 miles |
Address: 300 North Walker Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-1822 |
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization(50%); Family Law(50%) |
Admitted: 2009, Oklahoma |
Law School: Oklahoma City University School of Law, J.D. |
More About Deborah Hoover Hupfer |
Immigration Attorney: Paola Marie Alvarez de Bennett 405-551-8937, 405-232-2749 99.33 miles |
Address: 300 North Walker Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-1822 |
Practice Area: Immigration(50%, 25); Real Estate Contracts(10%, 10); Landlord and Tenant Law(10%, 7); Family Law(10%, 10); General Civil Litigation(10%, 8); Immigration and Naturalization; General Practice; Adoption Law(10%); Real Estate; Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations; Contracts; Bankruptcy; Personal Injury; Asylum; Deportation; Employment Visas; Permanent Visas; Religious Visas; Removal Proceedings |
Admitted: 2008, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, Western District of Oklahoma |
Law School: University of Oklahoma, J.D., 2007 |
More About Paola Marie Alvarez de Bennett |
Immigration Attorney: Timothy Cook 405-518-4349 99.33 miles |
Address: 6801 South Western Avenue, Suite 107 P.O. Box 19512, Oklahoma City, OK 73144 |
Practice Area: Immigration; Aviation; Probate |
Admitted: 2000, Oklahoma; 2002, Illinois |
Law School: Oklahoma City University School of Law, J.D., 1999 |
More About Timothy Cook |