Tegucigalpa Francisco Morazan, Honduras
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Career Level: Fully Competent
Languages: Spanish native, English advanced
Highlights:Gerenciar Proyectos de Energias Limpias Solar Fotovoltaicos. en mi pais. con Empresas de España.
Skills:Proyect Manajer in Telecom and Power, Photovoltaic Solar and Renovable Energy, Desing of Solar Power to Grid , off- gird, Isla,, Desing and Constructions Network VoIP, NGN, IMS, Sisco, Unix, B- Scada Sotfware, Pryect Manager Power , Energy , and PV Solar Plant
Goal:Encontrar una Empresa que me auspicie una Visa de trabajo H1B para trabajar legalmente en USA en mi carrera como Ingeniero Electrico.
Membership:Miembro Colegio de Ingenieros de Honduras
Certification:Proyect Manager PV.
Honor:Becas en el Extranjero : Japon, La India , Brasil, Peru, Mexico., USA.
Construction Supervisor 10/2021 - 10/2022
Cargill, San Pedro Sula , Cortes Honduras
Industry: Animal Nutrition
Supervisor of COnstrution buffer Bins,
COnstruction Supervisor Bufeer Bins Tower to Food to animal nutrition .--
Constrution Manager PV Solar Plantas 04/2018 - 11/2018
Cobra - GRansolar, Choluteca, Namasigue Honduras
Industry: Energia Electrica
Constrution Park PV 35 MWp
Design and Constrution PV Solar Plant 55 MWp on Grid , Telecommucations, Civil , Mechanical , Electrical works. commissioning.--
engineering project manager PV Solar Plants 04/2018 - 11/2018
Cobra - Gransolar, Choluteca, Honduras
Industry: Energy
Construction Manager Solar Plants 36Mwp on Grid..
Manager General 01/2012 - 12/2017
Constructions IMOS, Tegucigalpa , Honduras
Industry: Constrution
Constructions Building and Houses , Design .
Proyect Manager Telecommunications 05/1985 - 05/2011
Hondutel, Tegucigalpa, FRancisco Morazan Honduras
Industry: Telecommunications
Proyect Manager Telecommunications field
National Autonomous University of Honduras UNAH 01/1986 - 12/1992
Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazan , Honduras
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Electrical Engineer
Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical Engineering
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