Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: Elementary Teacher, Math Teacher
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Skills:Elementary Teacher, Math teacher
Math Teacher May 2016 - current
Kasertsart University Laboratory School Kampheang Sean Campus, Nakhon Pathom , Nakhon Pathom Thailand
Industry: Education
10 years teaching Math for grades 7 to 8
6 years teaching Math for grades 3 to 5
Classroom adviser of grade 4
IBA COLLEGE OF MINDANAO 04/2013 - 10/2016
Bukidnon , Misamis Oriental , Philippines
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:General Education
With 750 hours practicum
Cristina Vallejo Tagata Math, STEM, special education