Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Pharmacist, Researcher Pharmacist
Occupation: Healthcare
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Career Level: Entry Level
Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish
Highlights:June to December, 2015 - Internship at a microbiology laboratory under the supervision of Professor Peter Vandamme, Ph.D. Ghent University.
Skills:Analytical Reasoning, Dependability, Problem-solving and decision-making, Communication skills- listening, writing and speaking, Teamwork
Goal:Gaining an entry-level job in the Pharmaceutical field. Building an effective work-life balance that leads to personal satisfaction and a high quality of life.
Membership:Conselho Regional de Farmácia - CRF
Researcher pharmacist 06/2015 - 12/2015
Ghent University, Ghent, Ghent Belgium
Industry: Healthcare
Internship at a microbiology laboratory under the supervision of Professor Peter Vandamme, Ph.D. Ghent University.
Research in taxonomy and population structure of Achromobacter and Burkholderia strains deriving from CF patients of a public hospital from Brazil, by using Multilocus Sequence typing.--
Federal University of Alfenas (Unifal-MG) 02/2004 - 08/2010
Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
2004 – 2010 Bachelor of Pharmacy
Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG). Alfenas/MG, Brazil. Graduation Paper: Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Rheedia brasiliensis Extracts. Advisor: Professor Jorge Kleber Chavasco, Ph.D. Fellowship: Minas Gerais Research Foundation (FAPEMIG)
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