Home > Candidates > Benjamin Yeboah
Benjamin Yeboah

Kumasi, Ghana, Ashanti, Ghana

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Internal Audit And Accountant, Payroll And Tax

  • Occupation: Business and Finance

  • Degree: Doctoral Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: English, French (beginner)

Career Information:

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Highlights:Tax, accounting, payroll and audit

Skills:audit, payroll, accounting,

Goal:auditing firms and accounting for firms

Membership:Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana

Certification:Chartered Accountant and Member Phd in Accounting Concentration

Honor:Bachelor of Commerce,MSc, Phd,Chartered Accountant


Lecturing 12/2011 - current
Kumasi Technical University, Kumasi, KMA Ghana
Industry: Teaching/University
Teaching students Academic researching Education on career path developing new courses to meet skill gap
The main description of this job position involves teaching students on accounting skills in using software to capture accounting information at the lab, let student understand how information systems could link with accounting for quality decision making. I involve into developing of new courses that fill skill gap in the country, and moreso, give talks on career paths that openings in the field of my students.--
Head, Internal Auditor 5/2007 - 11/2011
Ejisu Municipal Assembly, Ejisu (Near kumasi), Ejisu Ghana
Industry: Municipal
auditing responsibilities performance review risk auditing
1.I was charge with auditing of financial statements of the Assembly, which was focused on value for money auditing on all operational areas. 2. Audit reporting to those charged with governance and audit committee and assist the organization to design control procedures. 3.Reviewing of budgetary control and payroll and fuel expenditure and give report thereon--
Bank Accountant 5/2000 - 8/2002
Atwima Rural Bank, Kumasi, KMA Ghana
Industry: Banking
treasury management investment schedule management calling over cash deposit and withdraw cash mobilization
I was part of top management of the bank with key roles to involve cash management, investment return management, and going out to mobilize cash for the bank. At times, I assisted key staff to prepare monthly returns to the Bank of Ghana.--


Kumasi Technical University(formerly Kumasi Polytechnic) 7/1992 - 6/1995
Kumasi, KMA, Ghana
Degree: Professional Degree
This program is Higher National Diploma in Accounting. The training involved both internship and by examination. All business administration courses are taught, but special focus is on both Accounting and Auditing,with mandatory industrial attachments.

University of Cape Coast 7/1997 - 6/2000
Cape Coast, Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
This program trains me in Accounting and Auditing. The training is done with varieties of firms that practice accounting and auditing skills. The program is purely by examination and internship
Robert Gordon University 8/2002 - 6/2004
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom
Degree: Master's Degree
Major:International Business Administration
This program emphasized on purely coursework and thesis writing. It is a capstone of business administration program at the university. Its relevancy is spelt out in the areas of business report writing,public speaking and business negotiations.
Institute of Chartered Accountants 2/2013 - 5/2016
Accra, Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana
Degree: Professional Degree
This professional Accountancy program deals with the examination, training internship I involved myself in Accounting and Auditing.
University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal 3/2013 - 2/2018
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Degree: Doctoral Degree
This program focuses on talk courses and conferences, that are shaped on research work and study to facilitate achieving doctoral thesis writing and publishing in the reputable journals.

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Academic CV Accounting, Payroll, tax, compliance officer

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
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