?. ??????, Russia
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Insolvency Practitioner; In House Lawyer; Associate Lawyer., Management Of Companies And Enterprises
Occupation: Legal
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Qualified
Languages: Russian (native speaker), english (fluent), hebrew (basic)
Skills:Oral communication, Written communication, Analytical reasoning, Logical reasoning, Legal research, Time management, Knowledge of Russian Insolvency Law, Contract management, Stress Management, Business skills, Insolvency management, Identifying and solving Problems, Teamwork, Work under pressure, Knowledge of the Commercial Procedure Code (RUS), Knowledge of the Civil Code of Russia, Insolvency management
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) 09/2013 - 07/2017
Moscow, Moscow City, Russia
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Civil Law
Minor:Insolvency law, corporate law, commercial law
Bachelor of Laws degree with honours