Dinajpur, Rangpur, Bangladesh
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Manager, Supervisor
Occupation: Management
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Highlights:Best performer of the year consecutively for three years.
Skills:MS Office,Excel,Consulting, Monitoring, Supervising, Reporting, Planning, Strategy, Target Achiever
Goal:• 1. Learning a new skill Having a diverse skill set always help to advance career and improve your professional performance. ... • 2. Earning certificate of various kinds of skill • 3. Improving time management by utilizing time with proper direction of work • 4. Obtaining a management position ,I always try to figure out all the problems my team mates faced & solve these properly. • 5. Build professional network with all the relative client associated with my responsibilities.
Certification:Facebook marketing skill certificate from ten minute School
Honor:Best Performer Award for consecutively three years
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