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USCIS Report on the Characteristics of H-1B Workers for Fiscal Year 2016

In August 2017, USCIS presented a report titled, "Characteristics of H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers" for fiscal year 2016. The report was originally provided to four honorable members of Congress.

The report includes some of the following highlights:
  1. H-1B petitions increased 14% from 348,669 in FY 2015 to 398,718 in FY 2016.
  2. H-1B approvals increased 25% from 275,317 in FY 2014 to 345,262 in FY 2016.
  3. 71% H-1B approvals in FY 2015 were for workers between the ages of 25 and 34.
  4. The median salary of approved H-1B petitions increased from $79,000 for FY 2015 to $82,000 for FY 2016.

The 27-page report also includes details on the countries of origin, occupation of, educational level attained by, and compensation paid to, aliens who were issued H-1B visas. Please click here to read the full report.

USCIS also presented another report Trend of H1B Petitions from FY2007 to FY2017, which covers 10-year H-1B petition data on country, age, occupation,industry, compensation and education.

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