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Autumn is the best season for hiring and job search

Summary:Autumn is the best season for hiring and job search?. Decision makers are back from summer vacation. If they don't hire before January, they might lose the allocated funds for new employees.

In United States, the busiest hiring season is the autumn(Labor Day through Thanksgiving). It is very important that you update your career profile, resume and cover letters now

In September, decision makers are back from summer vacation. Hiring managers push for an increase to take advantage of remaining budget for the year. If they don't hire before January, they might lose the allocated funds for new employees. 

The worst season for hiring and job hunting are the holiday season(Thanksgiving through New Year's) and summertime (Memorial Day through mid-August). So the employers also want to get new recruits in before December. 

The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 7.3% in August(about 2.5% for IT professionals). Please take following steps to make yourself stand out in the job market!

  1. Conduct a self-assessment to determine skills and talents, then update your career profile.

  2. Use real time H1B database to conduct market research, and identify employers in need of your skills and talents.

  3. Craft an industry-specific resume and cover letter, and upload them to job candidate database.

  4. Utilize Resume Blasting Service and Smart Apply Service to pitch large number of employers.

  5. Negotiate and evaluate job offers by researching how similar H1B jobs are paid.

job market, hiring, job searching, autumn, season